Friday, March 31, 2017

Dr Feelgood- Dealer Or Healer

I am a certified drug addict and alcoholic. I am legit and bonafide through and through. If there is one thing I can talk about that is alcoholism and drug addiction. Dr Feelgood was from the Beltway Bandit section of town. He got sentenced to many years for prescribing hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of narcotic pain killers to patients with chronic pain over the years. His sentence was appealed successfully and he ended up doing around 4 years all together. He was way overprescribing, in my opinion there is no way that he couldn't have known that he was writing way too many scripts. Back then early 2000s many doctors felt that if you had more pain then it would be safe to just up the dosage of hard core opiates like Roxys and Oxys and you didn't have to worry about tolerance and addiction. The only problem was that once the Feds raided his business initially some of his chronic pain patients offed themselves because they stated that they were cut off from their only pain relief and just couldn't take the real pain anymore.. They stated that they couldn't find any other docs that would have the same kind of prescription aggression of  the Dr Feelgood. types. Detox can make one have chronic pain aside from ones legit chronic pain and this can make you feel like offing yourself as well. Here lies the chronic pain management conundrum. There still seems to be no right or wrong across the board approach to chronic pain management. One thing is clear and that is many doctors know the least about the disease of addiction and many are even addicts themselves. The problem with cracking down on the pill mills is that this just led people to start shooting more dope. The pill mills in this area were supplying the entire country with meds that dealers would sell off the street so to speak. Dope is much less expensive so this is what has led us to where we are today. Gov Scott is seriously considering declaring a public health emergency. ODs and deaths in 2017 are predicted to surpass 2016. Its tough to actually gage how many people are od-ing, because calculating deaths is much easier. For example I know people that have od- ed many times already and they are still standing. One doesn't necessarily have to die to od but many already have and were  resurrected by Narcan.. This is a life saving drug that many people should have on them at all times. I feel sorry for people with legitimate chronic pain that can no longer get their legit pain management drugs anymore as a direct result of this epidemic. Many doctors are gun shy of having the DEA bust down their doors just like Dr Feelgood. The problem with opiates is that it turns people into hard care dope fiends because that is how powerful it is. Its hard to convince a dope addict in early abstinence that he/she can no longer use any narcotic mind altering substance, not even one drink, its just not going to work. This is considered to be alcohol in any form. I found this out the hard way, I was born an alcoholic that is why I was in rehab at 16 years old. If we have a disease that tells us that we don't have one and  is basically trying to take us out then I don't know about anybody else  but this means that my disease is my enemy that needs to be taken out and arrested with ruthless aggression. That is the only way to fight this addiction war. I convinced myself that I needed Vicodin, its a cunning baffling and powerful illness that will sneak up on you and take you down and out every single time to show you who is boss. The only thing that will ever work is complete abstinence on a daily basis contingent upon the maintenance of a healthy spiritual condition. These rehabs are being negligent and criminal with how they are overprescribing non-narcotic psychotropics, its all a money maker and nothing more. If you are a heroin junky then Suboxone for maybe two weeks tops and then you should get off it completely with the help of a real doctor. Xanax should be a lot longer, the taper off of this drug is horrific and can last literally many months. That is why people should avoid this drug like the plague. This drug makes your brain hemorrhage and I have heard of people that died as a direct result of this and many others that went clinically insane. That is what happened to me so I will ask this again why aren't doctors- GPs doing a lot more informed consent especially for a drug like Xanax? This drug in my opinion is even more dangerous then heroin. Maybe not fentanyl or carfentanyl but heroin yes I believe that Xanax is that bad.    

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