Saturday, March 25, 2017

Non PC Judge We have a judge that is not politically correct, she should be given a gold star instead of a reprimand. If I were a private attorney I would specialize in helping to defend drug addicts/alcoholics but if you were a slime ball predator rapist etc and overall moral retro bate then I would kick you to the curb. So why is Judge Dana Santino not celebrated in this politically correct world of ours? There is a new sheriff in town, our Potus and he is not pc so leave Judge Santino alone and stop with the bs sanctions. I respect prosecutors that are in it for the right reasons and not defending  horrible people.( Around 25% are pure criminals) Even though the criminal justice system doesn't seem to work I still feel  that everybody should experience what its like to do time. I find that addicts that have been incarcerated carry themselves differently from the ones who have never been behind bars. The young adults that I see that haven't been incarcerated seem to  have more entitlement issues and overall less respect for people in and around their environment. Maybe being locked up is the missing link but for me it didn't seem to do the trick. In other words when I did the 6.5 months for a DWI, my second VOP I still didn't get sober afterward. I saw the priest on the inside and even went to some meetings but I still didn't entirely turn it over. Everybody is different, we all have our own unique experience but in my humble opinion being locked up is  good for your character but not necessarily to actually get sober. I don't think that Electric Shock Therapy will work either because that will make you forget and as alcoholics we already have a built in forgetter so this will only make things worse. I did a week when I was 16 years old in the adult jail in Bridgeport. I was doing 1 arm push ups to show that I was tough and was ready to fight who ever even though I was nicknamed (the white boy from Greenwich with the penny bond.) I got sober not because of jail but rather when I came out of rehab and started the 90 and 90. Hazelden just planted the seed. Probation did make all of the difference however because I was required to go to 3 meetings a week and to also get a sponsor. I feel that the young adults who haven't been locked up yet are more apt to start blaming everybody else but themselves for using and when it comes to a pee test they seem have a higher tendency to do the "false positive bs or my meds made me test positive for dope." People that have been locked up are harder on the inside as well as on the outside. So even though I don't think that there is any correlation between people that actually get sober if they have been to  jail I still feel  that it is good for your soul. I went into places that I didn't know existed just to survive and when you are on the inside its all about survival. I wasn't in Rickers and some say that I was in a Country Club but I beg to differ. I know that it was a lot worse then being upstate because we didn't go outside that often and it was more then claustrophobic. Everybody that I talked to stated that the county jail that I was in was much worse then being upstate. What it comes down to is that its a higher power that I surrendered to and this is what helped me to get sober this time around. Surrender to Win because draconian punishments made me not want to use drugs anymore but that was still my will and my will never worked. I had a spiritual awakening in rehab, that is why they call it The Lighthouse. I knew that my life was going to change when I came out after many years of self will. Anyway we should encourage this Judge to speak freely in our country because the last time I checked our country was still supposed to be free..   

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