Thursday, March 30, 2017

Task Force- Christie Do you know how pissed off I would be if I was Michael Levine- These government cia protected as holes like OLiie North that have criminal investigations and actual arrests by DEA stonewalled of  black ops drug smuggling in the 80s while Levines brother agents working deep cover end up getting killed over a couple of ounces. Seriously who the f do they think they are- Their job is to protect and serve the American people not get our Federal Agents murdered for nothing. Nobody seems to want to listen to the Michael Levines of this world, top cop, the highest level one can get within the DEA, expert witness, the whole 9 yards. So what has changed now that cia is protecting all of the heroin coming in from Afghanistan? Not much except more of our people are dying and overdosing. Crack cocaine and cocaine itself doesn't kill as many people, it just ruined and destroyed many more cities and lives. That's why I am not sure that I even want to watch Oreilly anymore. First of all people like Alex Jones have been talking about Globalism for years, how all of our jobs are being outsourced, money laundering, off shore cartels, very few  factory jobs are stateside anymore. It has all been Wall Street agenda driven, the corporate elites. That is why Oreilly the establishment mouthpiece extrodinarre had a hard time believing that most Americans could not scrape together $2,000. Lou Dobbs was telling it the way it is, basically that the middle/working class of this country has been essentially wiped out. Decimated by a bunch of greed mongers on Wall Street that placate to the George Soros- Chris Mathews types. So let me get this straight our Potus had eradicating Globalism and bringing jobs back home as his central theme for his  Presidential campaign but many facets of our subversive press apparently loath him and are trying to get him impeached? I am not a rocket Scientist but this more or less tells me that we have enemies of the state that are working as journalists. CNN- MSNBC- let me tell you something, these people are scraping bottom because I don't like people that have it out for a Populist President who is actually proud to work for we the people. As a matter of fact that should bring up our game up a lot higher to expose these enemies of the state who stage school shootings to snatch our weapons as well as to terrorize the masses. And then they have the audacity to try to ruin our President who is trying to make sure our Republic doesn't turn into a Banana Republic? Not only that these freaks are covering up Pizzagate. Alex Jones is confident that this is definitely happening but Oreilly just brings in Dennis Miller to try to make us laugh. Miller isn't even funny, he wasn't funny as NFL guy either. This isn't a joke  because we are stepping up our game and soon many of these pedophiles are going to be exposed for who and what they are. The subversive press is going to crash and burn and in the not  too distant  future the Rachel Maddows of this world wont be able to scrape 2 gs together either. I am confident that Chris Christie will make things happen in reference to the Opiate Task Force. Our President wants to help people that have been addicted and who are currently struggling with addiction. When did I ever read that Obama wanted to sincerely help anybody seriously? This is going to be many steps ahead of The William Bennet types. Michael Levine stated that Bennet was a horrible drug Zhar who knew next to nothing about addiction. How can somebody be a drug Zhar when he gets pushed around by cia and The military Industrial Complex? Levine stated that he was in it for basically resume enhancement only and that's about it, a typical Bushworld capital crony appointee. I believe that the colossal force Team of Trump/Christie and many other fire breathing demon chasers will eventually put some bad guys away as well as to help our overall opiate epidemic. This is important because this is much more serious then the cocaine cowboy days of the 1980s

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