Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Dying Establishment Elites Really this guy is incredulous and skeptical that AJ had a copy of the White House speech? That is because AJ is trustworthy and our president knows that he isn't going to make things up as he goes along just as many of the other media outlets do. Also infowars is a site that peddles conspiracy theories? That is just a made up word by the cia to discredit so called conspiracy theorists as well as to justify all of the deep states actions over the years. The print media is dying a slow but certain death because nobody believes in them that much anymore. Tom Ricks Washington Post a great journalist but it appears that the Washington Post is a dying breed to go along with all of the other establishment elites like the New York Times. Its like Nancy Pelosi couldn't show any emotion or support during our Presidents speech last night? She is an outcast and a dinosaur because he got more standing ovations then any Potus in our history if I am not mistaken. The New York Times is a paper that is held afloat by a rich Mexican named Slim. That sounds very shady to say the least. I have to give credit to the New York Times however because if you can get through the entire Sun. edition cover to cover with all of the smart people like Krugman and Thomas Friedman one should officially consider themselves somewhat smart. The intelligentsia op eds and every other article that they had over the years I must admit I learned a few new tid bits here and there. The only problem is that from what I gather the New York Times it is a deep state operation and that is why they don't confront the vaccine safety issue or the real big pharma agenda. Also it appears that a top Autism expert researcher ended up dead recently under mysterious circumstances right before he was going to meet with our President. It looks like his body was cremated right away, the usual story. This didn't make it to that many news outlets for some reason. AJ and his infowarriors don't back down to anybody so it wont take long before the main stream elites start to not only fear but also respect his position of legitimate not conspiracy peddling news. It also appears that Pizzagate is not fake news either but rather this appears to be the real fake news calling out the straight shooters as being fake. I must admit that I cant read any newspapers anymore, its too annoying. The New York Times the other day stated that our President is targeting the globalists but for the most part I put the print media in the same category as World News Tonight with Lester Holt. Our news stations and print media seem to have been put together by cartoon Walt Disney characters. The latest is Space X going to the moon but they wont release the names of the rich people that want to go. The entire thing is a joke and they are mocking us. Nasa was put together by a bunch of pedophile Satanists- Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, Hubbard, Walt Disney, that is why everything has such a surreal feel to it. The moon where we never even went and would have been incinerated by massive amounts of radiation with the Van Allen Belt if we ever tried and all of these new exo- planets that they just discovered how much more cgi and pathetic can they get? Its funny to them how much money they spend peddling their bull shit at our expense and I still cant even get a job at Dunkin Donuts. The world really isn't round either did you hear that you pedophile Satanists? 

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