Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sober Living Vs Half Way Houses

Half Way houses need to be shut down to make room for the Sober Living Housing Units, many of these sober living units are already in place. Half Way Houses have owners that are nothing more then snakes in real estate that let their clients do what they want and this also means getting high. You can go to one store and find at least 5 different ways to get high these days, ie- Kratum Spice etc.. Sober Living environments is what the program is all about and this also includes pet therapy. In half way houses you are just doing time and are usually dry and miserable but in sober living you can actually change for the better each and every day. In a sober living environment you aren't guaranteed a 6 figure job or any job for that matter but you are confident that your home will be a safe place. In halfway houses the inmates run the asylum and it may not be cool to rat out your friend for getting high or drinking Kava or even sniffing your Wellburtin.. In Sober Living environments the positive influences out weigh the negatives, this means that if you are a bad apple that is not into getting sober you are going to be called out on this and in many cases kicked out even if you are still paying the rent. Not only will half way houses let you get high they definitely don't care if you are going to therapy or meetings. In half way houses some people think that they are cool with their junky pride. It all trickles down from the top- If somebody is a snake themselves how are they going to give away something that they don't have? In other words sobriety is The Secret but unfortunately most of the people at the top that are running these places are nothing more then money grubbers where cash is king. If you are a day late and a dollar short they will kick you to the curb. The Task Force is weeding out the half way houses but their needs to be more housing for the indigent. This is a perfect example of how and why half way houses need to be squashed out expeditiously. I read about a former Army girl who died of a heroin od. Her mom knew the system because she worked in it but she still couldn't get her daughter treatment right away. Infact she had to be put on a waiting list and had to wait up until 1 month just for a treatment bed. It is hard enough under  the best of circumstances to get sober and the deck is stacked against the individual, that is why sober living environments need to be 100% above board. In treatment when they ask how many people want to get clean and sober close to 100% of the clients hands usually get raised. The clients actually mean this on a gut level however once they leave the facility most fall into the spiritual abyss. This abyss more often then not can include a half way house where at least one person ends up banging dope. This is a recipe for disaster because this has taken down many people around the drug user and this must be eliminated. Until somebody can get a solid footing in early sobriety this kind of environment has taken out countless addicts to their death or at the very least back out onto the streets. This is criminal and that is why this Task Force is doing a good job. In a Sober Living environment its not that much of a grind, there is somewhat of a camaraderie that is built even with some of the people that use drugs/alcohol and end up getting kicked out. In a world where their is very few real statistics I can make the argument that sober living units can greatly enhance the chances of people getting and staying sober. This is very important considering that most of the press is negative and many of the town ordinances as well as the residents look down on the druggie buggie addicts. Recovering addicts don't bring crime and drugs to the neighborhood infact its the other way around. The drugs are already there so this means that maybe more people should get locked up that are selling the drugs. Most addicts come out of rehab with pure intentions, including myself, I have been studying this for a while now. Sober Living environments are night and day compared to the  half way houses and they can also make the difference between life and death.   

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