Friday, March 3, 2017

Souless Creatures- Hell On Earth Time to hunt down these soulless thugs and make them scramble like the rats that they truly are. I  have read too many articles about these satanic perverts so its time for action. Dr Preston James acknowledges that this Russian alleged hack job with the DNC is total bs. One can see this kind of prevarication  coming from many miles away, especially with the commercials about our Potus alleged Russian subversive alliances. The more evil that they are then the more that should inspire us to go after them. Nothing surprises me anymore that is why we need proof. Hard evidence that can and will be used in the court of law. The other joke of a story is Piss Gate. Its like we are in elementary school with these people who do absolutely nothing except slander and make up libelous stories. One can hear how dumb it really is and that it is an obvious fabrication of reality. I don't think that Israel  is our enemy and I don't believe that Bibi stated that he wanted to cut up America like a calf into little pieces at Finks Bar. Let me also throw this out there- if infact this is true and that he did say this then yes he is our enemy because that will not be tolerated. We aren't a puppet for Israel because we are the number one superpower that should be proud but humble. I don't respect the occupation of the Gaza strip/ West Bank by Israel and I don't support endless wars where innocent people end up getting killed. This is what pathetic little cowards are involved with. As long as it doesn't affect them directly and innocent people die then so be it. No compassion or empathy just pugnacious little slimebals that don't know anything except  how to wage wars by false flags means or otherwise. That means that these people are no different then the gangbangers on the street with their drive by shootings where innocent people end up dead.  In other words the United States doesn't stand by and do what cowards  and bullies do by making up lies about WMDs and then send our soldiers into unconventional  wars with only conventional means of defending themselves. We don't start fights and act like total idiots and embarrass our image on an international level. Wars are only the last resort, infact we have fought so many wars  the wrong way I think that it might be time to not sacrifice 1 more American soldier. I know for certain that Gen Mattis can do it the right way meaning eliminating ISIS at breakneck speed. I want to see proof of all of the evil actions like the ones that Dr Preston James mentions in this article. That means that people should be willing to testify under oath and that people should be going away for a long time. I have been reading about these so called evil creatures for too many years  now and we finally have a Potus that can take these people out so let the war begin. Vaccines, (Child sacrifice pedophile rings) (I want proof of this) Chem Trails, false positives on cancer diagnosis the list goes on. The problem with these cowards is that they don't fight fair. Its like if you call them out and you want to go Mano A Mano fair and square they will more then likely take the sleaze ball way out and threaten to go after your family like Daddy Bush did to Ross Perot or kill your cat like you know who did to somebody. They are pieces of shit mobsters with no character or integrity. I have respect for the mob in certain ways but I will never respect the harming or hurting of an innocent person or killing somebody or having somebody killed. Thou Shalt Not Kill that is something we should all adhere to and if you don't you should be in prison for life where you belong and where you should have been a long time ago. 

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