Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spooktown USA The perverts in the main stream media aren't reporting on the great work our Potus has conducted thus far as far as rounding up pedophiles and victims of human trafficking. Why isn't the main stream news covering this inquiring people want to know? Sanduskys son that is the only pedophile I saw in the news. Who ever covers up and stonewalls and censors this kind of information should be charged  criminally. Just out of curiosity how many cho mos were arrested under Obamas watch? As President you have an obligation to investigate the deepest and darkest crimes. There are so many good people in the system that are now relieved that we have a Potus that is going to restore the rule of law. We have had a lawless crime ridden and meek DOJ for many previous years and now we should start to feel a little better. The question still remains how come pedophile round ups don't make it to the national news? I want to know what is going on underneath those under ground tunnels in Newtown better known as Spooktown USA? I know that our previous Potus allegedly was using the social security number of one of those weirdo spooks who hides under one of those underground tunnels. These people are off the chart strange. I cant wait to burn down the church of Satan- Freaks pedophiles, pieces of garbage that stage school shootings and make believe that little children were murdered- What pathetic excuses for human beings- Our former Potus stood behind it with his fake and phony crocodile tears and he is solely responsible. Its hard for me to contain my rage toward these hoax as holes Free Mason Satanists that deserve to be rounded up and chained in the van on their way to prison (not protective custody) just like our Potus has done to 1500 cho mos thus far 

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