Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Top Secret America Hoax

https://www.infowars.com/judge-investigation-into-obama-spying-on-trump-would-reveal-mass-surveillance-of-all-americans/ It is blatantly obvious how deceitful our humungous intelligence apparatus really is. Lets break this down into layman terms- After 9-11 Top Secret America came into play to give us a better advantage to track down and prevent bogey man myths. I am talking about a multi trillion dollar green badger black budget that basically has no accountability. Lets look at how great interoperability was supposed to work a few years after 9-11 with Hurricane Katrina in 05. Interoperability was supposed to enable our intel agencies as well as law enforcement to communicate and share information more effectively. Our guys were on the ground in record time but how long did it take Fema to respond to this natural disaster 3-4 days? How many people died in the stadium because nobody knew what to do and people were actually starving, prisoners got out of jail it seemed to be quite apocalyptic from what I gather. So that is how great Top Secret America worked when people needed them most. The National Guard started confiscating weapons house to house, it looks like this was a deep state test run for when they really planned to implement Martial Law through (COG-Continuity Of Government.) So lets face it Top Secret America are a bunch of bull shitters who's job is to just manipulate our minds and emotions with fake news stories. With all due respect toward Homicide Detectives if I was working a case where leads really had to come in within the first 48 hours how come interoperability doesn't work with them? In other words I was watching the First 48 and these detectives had to send prints out to the FBI and it was already expected to take "days to get back the results" Are you serious you mean to tell me that local leos don't have access to the NCIC FBI data base? Especially when its so important to break a case within the first 48 one has to wait? I would be more then a little pissed off if I was working a homicide case and had to wait many days for prints when obviously the first 48 hours is the most pertinent. Top Secret America is used as Snowden stated for us to buy into the myth of our governments supremacy. There are a lot of good people in the system but this multi trillion dollar blanket surveillance program that Edward Snowden blew the whistle on is quite pathetic to say he least. It would be different if 9-11 wasn't an inside job, one just has to read the book Top Secret America or see the Front Line edition to see how deep their hooks really are. They are using it to game the system where nothing is sacred and safe anymore. That is creepy to get inside peoples heads with their oga mind games and childish antics. They have NSA minions, they can do sneak and peaks any time they please and nobody will ever get in trouble for this. Of course they can rig scenarios to make it appear that our Potus had DNC and RNC hacks with the Russians. Our news is fake but our NSA spy grid is real because they are really using it to rig markets and set up and stage acting scenarios any time they want which is every single day. Nasa cia cgi spy's and lies, these people are bad news. I have great respect for real deal guys like Michael Weston from Burn Notice but have zero respect for these pathetic oga/cia crisis actors that have been used to snatch weapons and stage fraudulent school shootings. Its no big deal for them to  sell out their country for a few dollars no problem. They are disrespecting all of our dead soldiers that died during OIF as well as during the Afghanistan campaign, that is why they need to be taken down. One cant forget the fallen star hero's at Langley I know that they would want justice for their fallen comrades. Let me tell you something if anybody wants an example of a great investigator that would be Wolfgang Halbig. He has been all over the Sandy Hook hoax for years and he has been the only one that requested FOIAs. That is a man of action because it doesn't matter how many youtube videos you post or how much you complain unless you attempt to go through the proper channels then nothing else really matters and for that reason he deserves our much gratitude and respect.   

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