Saturday, March 18, 2017

Selfie Addiction Crisis

Oreilly hit a home run this morning on Fox And Friends. He talked about something that is a real issue and that is how adults that are really hooked on their Smart Phone Devices. This problem is as bad for the kids as it is for the adults who really should be acting as role models for our youth. Its distracting and disturbing and even the people on the show stated that it was mostly brain dead activities not business related. The kids are playing violent video games and this X box addiction has reached the millennials at epidemic proportions. The liars who state that violent X box games lead to mass shootings are not telling the truth however what they should be saying is that this leads to brain dead vegetable type activity along the same lines as the adults who should be reading books not playing dumb kid games and taking selfies. That is the problem right now NPD for the adult populace, most of these people are less then attractive but they still continue to take one selfie after another. It skeeves me out to say the least. People that are so wrapped up in themselves that the only thing they know how to do is to take selfies and play dumb games on their Smart phones. Oreilly also talked about what a phony Hillary is and that she lied on more then one occasion when she continually stated that she would go on his show. He also stated that she was the worst candidate that he ever witnessed in his 40 years. The only problem is that he also mentioned that she should do some good and stick with her Clinton Foundation. That is another serious issue  because I want to start investigating her alleged Racketeering Foundation that already has more then two reliable sources stating that The Foundation is nothing more then a Money Laundering Scam. Rico Crimes, where are the real investigators in this country, James Comey buds with the Clinton crime family? They are too busy taking selfies with the rich and powerful at their black tie galas. I would love to investigate The Clinton Foundation and don't worry I don't want pictures with  the Clintons at the Chappaqua social scene to legitimize my own self aggrandizement and importance. A real investigator should not care who hates him, infact if somebody wants to take him/her out that should be an honorable compliment that means that they are flying into the flak not away from it like most people. I watched JE Hoover with Leonardo, his FBI was focused on not having political hacks as investigators. The only problem with J Edgar was that he supposedly embellished his feats and personally took credit for take downs and arrests when he apparently wasn't even near or around these crime scenes. That is egomania 101 and that is the exact hypocrisy that he stated that he wanted to avoid when he took the position as FBI Director. He had special files, he was definitely weird and obviously not humble but I respect his G-Man standard. Don't Shoot G-Man so when is the FBI going to investigate the Clinton Foundation as a potential money laundering operation?  Apparently they have multiple lawyers protecting it and as lawyers themselves it looks like they know how to do things to not get indicted. I didn't look into it but I have a feeling that Client number 9 was set up because he was going after real bad guys. Its just my gut feeling because having sex with high end prostitutes is really not something to get everybody up in a tizzie. The hypocrisy of this country, they blow little things way out of proportion to cover up what is really going on, we have a nation of children. I hope that our Potus can turn things around because when I see adults who do nothing but play dumb games on their Smart Phones and not so attractive girls who continually take selfies I know that we are still in a deep dark and ugly hole.      

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