Thursday, March 9, 2017

Vault 7 Treasure Trove What is the difference between a private eye and the cia? Basically they are one in the same except that the cia is not supposed to be allowed to work stateside. Top Secret America has spook houses tucked and hidden away in so many remote locations that it would make most peoples head spin. Green Badgers that are supposed to be protecting us via cyber espionage from all of the bad guys. They are more or less Private Intel Corporations with advanced technology, they are in essence just an extension of the cia and its humongous intel apparatus. The Vault 7 leak looks like it came form a former contractor. The question is what is the cia really doing with this technology? They specialize in sabotage and undermining their opponent in any and all ways possible. In other words what happened to that school teacher from Pound Ridge that had LEOS surround his house for privately questioning the veracity of the Sandy Hook story? Lt Vance was basically threatening people with arrest to anybody that  questioned its bogus narrative. Private eyes cant track a car with gps unless they have consent from the registered owner but cia can do whatever the hell they want whenever they want and they don't even need somebody to place the tracker on your car. Its all a matter of how you look at it who is the bad guy and who is the good guy because it always depends on who's side you are on. Top Secret sensitive compartmented information security clearances or SCIs are for people that aren't allowed to disclose how illegal their tactics are. cia is men in black and it really shouldn't be that way. cia has good guys that work for and with them like Michael Weston and TBA humint operators that analyze body language and voice inflections for inconsistencies and to detect deception with earning reports but they can also take your car out remotely like they did to Michael Hastings. The problem with Top Secret America is that they have the majority of people brainwashed with their 6 talking head media cartel outlets and basically if they say that you are a bad guy then boom then they call for your execution. It has worked for many years, there is no reason that they should be allowed to manipulate our emotions any more with their bull shit crisis actors and fake news stories. That is what they specialize in, pushing peoples buttons and taking things way out of context and basically gathering up as much intel about you illegally as possible so they can  build up their case file. Its like their treasure Trove of dirty little secrets, all of your sexual proclivities and private moments and thoughts for that matter aren't really private that is why they are so disturbing. All of your private conservations and deepest and darkest secrets can and will be used against you when the time is right. In the interim they just undermine and sabotage and hire humint operators to push your buttons and try to make you react. Infact it is more like to see how you react as well especially under pressure. Lets not forget the EMP pulses that seem to come out of nowhere and gang stalking but when somebody reaches out for help with this then they have professionals that make you feel like you are crazy and need mental health help just like Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. This really happened to the Pound Ridge Teacher, they had him fired from his job and involuntarily committed to the psychiatric ward. Its all considered collateral damage but as long as main stream media doesn't report on what is really is happening then we are all kept in the dark. What about Jonathon Reich look what they did to him, cia has LEOs in their back pockets so is cia really that good? Of course they wipe your brain out with ECT and turn you into Jason Bourne and once you cross over to the dark side their is absolutely no turning back. If their harassment still doesn't work and you continue to make noise this is when you end up Arkensided and your body mysteriously ends up being cremated no questions asked. No questions can ever be asked to surviving family members either because then they will be next, they are all sworn to secrecy- its all MK Ultra specialization.  

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