Monday, March 13, 2017

The Infiltrator I couldn't listen to what AJ stated about what our Pres is wrong about due to audio problems but so far I have a critique. I watched 60 minutes and they had this Gitmo survivor on there. We need to get rid of Gitmo because its a total waste of time. I know that Gen Mattis knows how to interrogate correctly but it just seems that if something is already broken then you don't try to fix it. In other words the program stated that our Potus was going to fill up Gitmo with some bad dudes. We need to get away form this archaic draconian unsophisticated mind set of good vs evil. Obama did the right thing by trying to shut that place down, that is because its bad news. Obama is a Fabian Socialist but he didn't do everything wrong. First of all housing so called bad guys without a proper business model of proven effectiveness is just one more example of the many things that are wrong about this country. I may watch programs like Burn Notice but I  have also read a lot of books and everything came back as Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (torture is inhumane and totally ineffective). Its like how many innocent people were rounded up and incarcerated during our GWOT? We had neophytes with zero experience, ie- military contractors and Army soldiers that were trying to get intel out of many innocent people. That is barbaric and inhumane and these criminals better take their tap off my phone because I am starting to get pissed off. Why does my phone have an echo, that is illegal without a warrant? I have nothing to hide because it all goes down on my blog anyway but this is just a perfect example of our criminal deep state. Enhanced Interrogations can work depending on the particular situation as the expert Michael Weston demonstrated and its called- (Violence Perceived Is Violence Achieved) however once physical violence is initiated then you are more often then not just going to get a false confession from somebody that was more then likely innocent in the first place. Real Private Investigators, trained operatives and the homicide detectives on the First 48 know how to get intel and they do a great job. Most of them never raise their voice or lay a hand on a suspect but it appears that they take down a lot of murderers. Ali Sofan told us a long time ago what was wrong with our Islamic Jihad intel gathering plan. How are you going to fire the entire Republican Guard Iraqi Army and use white skinned black hat cia doctors filled with rage and animus to wage your hostile force intel gathering plan? It never worked and it never will. SF knows how to get intel, anyway we should just close down Gitmo because its just a black mark on America. This 60 minute pow was given drug cocktails as well for his chemical lobotomies. We have Satanists at the top pulling strings so they better stop torturing innocent people because they will never be able to get away with this long term. I am a certified conspiracy theorist and I am drinking AJs coo laid and I am telling you that it taste pretty good. He is a legit and bonafide warrior that even has Sean Hannity talking about the deep state. Soon there will be a revamped FBI under President Trumps Dept Of Justice. President Trump would have definitely locked up some white collar criminals after the Dust Bowl that almost was. That was just another example of a totally corrupt and lawless land where they just rolled over the little people with their bulldozer and knew that there wouldn't be any consequences. I was never a saint but always had respect for Law And Order. I watched the Infiltrator- Very good movie, just another example of how good guys got bullied by cia and their deep state. DEA cant even go deep cover to take bad guys down without cia interference. Michael Levine found out all about that. Don't make drugs illegal if all of you cia criminals that murdered Barry Seal are going to bring that shit in. What kind of example is this for our grandchildren? That is because they are like corrupt little devious children themselves. 

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