Friday, March 10, 2017

Free Mason Deep State Con Game Gordon Duff from the clan Macduff wants this to go to President Trump. The only problem is that the rabbit hole of 9-11 goes much deeper then a blindside cheap shot by Israel's Mossad. How do I know this without sources? Its because my gut tells me a lot more and in my humble opinion the deep state is using Israel as the fall guy for something that goes much deeper and darker indeed. Infact it really isn't that deep and dark because many people knew about 9-11 in advance and if Israel really was the sole culprit as Dr Sabrosky alleges then Military High Command would have scrubbed them off the earth a long time ago. What do I know right? That's correct I just go with my instincts and they tell me that Israel and their  alleged nukes is being used as a red herring for a deep state cia operation that had everybody in the know way before 9-11 including many of the head sheds on Wall Street. This also includes many if not all of the major media outlets. It really doesn't matter because it more then likely will never get adjudicated. Israel is our ally and they would never try to hurt us the way that Gordon Duff seems to claim on a regular basis. They know how to be successful and how to make things happen in the business world as well so I really cant deal with VTs anti semetic Israel alleged bad guy scenarios anymore. Let me tell you something Gordon Duff had me over the edge with blind fucking rage with all of his 9-11 Israel Mossad bad guy claims. Of course they knew about it in advance but so did our entire Military Industrial Complex and especially the entire cia but  Mossad didn't solely run the operation. We have an unbreakable bond with Israel because they run Wall Street and just about everything else. The entire Israel did 9-11 façade is a distraction because if somebody really wants to adjudicate 9-11 way too many powerful people would be brought down and I don't think that this will ever happen. I am not talking about Israeli Dual Citizens either because that is just another distraction that the deep state uses to try to make Israel the fall guy. I am talking about thousands of Americans that had nothing to do with Israel knew about 9-11 in advance.. As Leona used to say only the little people pay taxes but what she really meant was that the heavy hitters will never get in any trouble. That is why Hillary and the Slick Willys of this world laugh at us little people and that is why no powerful Americans like the Bush Chain Gang will ever do time for 9-11. As Sgt Barnes said- "That's the way it is and that's the way it out to be". His guys were smoking that shit to escape from reality but he was reality and that is the whole truth and nothing but. That is just the way that the elites have it set up. There is no sense getting upset about this because its all a Free Mason black magic hoax con game anyway.     

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