Wednesday, March 22, 2017

CIA Vampires

Its good that Judith Miller didn't reveal a cia source but seriously how much can we really trust our news papers anymore? Judith Miller had bogus intel about WMDs and there has never been any blowback about this. She was on Oreilly last night, I just read a snippet about her in Fiasco the last time that I read it. Lets be honest the New York Times are not lovey dovey liberals, they are deep state war monger hawks disguised as liberals. The problem is that intel should be real not made up to use as a pretext for going to war. Lets take a look at how and why the Iraq war ended up so horribly wrong. It is because it was all based off of egregious deception and fraud. We didn't have the moral high ground going into it so we were guaranteed to get caught up in a quagmire. Its like how much bs did they come up with Col Powell, 9-11 Bin Ladens jet fuel that made both towers implode into dust within a few hours the list goes on. My legs weren't blown off by an IED and I don't have TBI but a lot of soldiers do and if I was one of them I would be more then a little pissed off. Nobody is ever held accountable for the deaths of our soldiers based off of lies and deception. I watched Bad Voodo on Front Line PBS. These Army soldiers basically lost their entire company one way or another after multiple rotations because they weren't doing anything except driving around in their Humvees just waiting to get blown up. George Tenet, (Slam Dunk) Judith Miller our cia doesn't have any credibility so why should we protect them if they haven't been protecting us? What have they ever done to earn our trust Warren Commission? Fox News says that we should be upset about the leaks of classified info in reference to their spying campaign why? What has the cia ever done that was above board and out to protect our National Security? They run the fake news with Operation Mockingbird, they illegally spy on us and they just continue to deflect and create drama with their rank amateur agent provocateurs. Oh yes I forgot to mention that they also stage school shootings and make believe that little children were murdered. They have blood on their hands and they need to be held into account. In todays main stream world of lies and deception if you come out with a bogus story about WMDs like Judith Miller you end up getting a promotion to Fox News. If you are a drone junky like Obummer and end up utilizing secondary drone strikes to maximize the number of civilian deaths without humint and only sigint then you get a Presidential Medal Of Freedom. Also the alternative news sites like Breibhart and Infowars are not far right neocons so please stop the bs fake news. They are libertarians that would have voted, supported and backed a real Democrat for  President just as easily as a Republican as long as they were a good fit. Our Potus has the opportunity to destroy the establishment Deep State as we once knew it. That means breaking up the main stream news cartels that continue to control all of the information. The only outlet that I see that should be left standing is Fox News and not because I am a conservative or a Republican. They try their best to be fair and balanced and have a lot of good people- Oreilley, Hannity, Judge Jeanne, Tucker Carlson, Judge Andrew Napolitano. Oreilly always had liberals like Juan Williams on his show to defend their position. They are also pro Americana, they aren't angry and divisive like CNN. CNN are a bunch of blood sucking vampires. How can you realistically make up a story about little children getting massacred by a lone wolf assassin that has no digital footprint nor a record of ever even existing? Where is James Tracey that is what I want to know? Did the Deep State operatives threaten him just like Wolfgang? So what did the Iraq War really accomplish? More Debt but unfortunately less imperialistic neocolonial hegemony which was the neo-cons goal all along. Did it create more jobs like Rosie the Riveter? I would love a job that supported our overall war effort as long as the war was real.

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