Tuesday, March 28, 2017


https://www.infowars.com/ben-garrison-trump-drains-deep-state-swamp/ I am starting to like Oreilly a little bit more. Last night he was grilling Nunes about how we shouldn't have any faith in Congressional inquiries. Once Congress gets involved its pretty much a guarantee that nothing ever will get done. They will just continue on with their dog and pony show. The Russia Hackgate story is a hoax but the Obama surveillance story actually has legs. He also had a Sean Hannity vs Ted Kopell snippet that had Hannity wanting to talk about the liberal bias in the media. This is already a proven fact, that is what Bernie Goldbergs book Bias was all about. I read that book over 10 years ago so how can the liberal media still try to defend their position on this? Goldberg worked for Dan Rather and if I remember correctly he was bi- partisan. He just couldn't deal with the leftist leans anymore, the book was very good. I am telling you I watch Rachel Maddow and I really feel that I am in another country in enemy territory. She has that  much vitriol toward our Potus and his administration, it is very creepy to say the least. I could barely watch 5 minutes of her program on Sat. afternoon because it was that stomach turning. I believe that most of the people in our country don't swing toward a particular party on a deep level but they are backing our Potus because they want and need change. Their should only be one party anyway called the Populist Party, everything else is just a distraction and a total waste of time. The fake news that keeps calling Infowars ultra right wing fringe conspiracy theorists are not straight shooters. I believe that if our previous Potus didn't do things that were border line subversive Infowars wouldn't be slamming the left as hard as he has. He also slammed the Bushes and the Karl Roves of this world just as hard and lets not forget about the Clinton dynasty. Stand downs at the border Obamma care where people are refused treatment and insurance premiums that double and triple the list goes on. Also Jesse Watters interviewed some people on the street about the Supreme Court. I didn't know how many Supreme Court Justices their were, I am not a fact geek that is into minutia, that is because being a big picture guy is more important. Anyway the Americans didn't know a dam thing. Gorsuch has been all over the news but they didn't even know who he was. The only person that knew anything was a girl from Norway. That is how they get away with everything that they do ie- Operation Mockingbird etc.. They know that people aren't paying attention anyway so they can do whatever they want. I want to know why Pizza Gate isn't making the news? I believe that the story may be legit, if it wasn't then I  don't think that AJ would still be talking about it. I listened to him state that he had more then one  reliable source that was feeding him intel. Also Oreilly read Blue On Blue great book on the NYPD IAB.

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