Friday, March 10, 2017

Deep State Crimes Obama is a Marxist who worked a scam with Obummer Care- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fraud- He was never  really a true liberal and is he is a total phony. Our Potus is a real capitalist and is already creating many jobs. Seriously Obamas America was horrible for the working poor, the deep state is a criminal state and the cia is way out of control. These deep state democratic operatives don't have any credibility. Fraud vitiates everything, Pissgate total scam joke the way these people operate is sophomoric and rank amateur, little league style. Russian hack gate is a total fraud con game from what I gather Buzzfeed CNN two extremely illegitimate sources. A neerdewal British operative created it. Now our former Potus is coming out of retirement as his bud Eric Holder stated  they are going to try to dethrone our real legitimate Potus. I think that our President should start to drop bombs right away as Jerome Corsi stated and hand over all of these Data dumps to the Justice Dept now that Holder isn't running it.  Our former Potus didn't do a dam thing for the lower/ middle class and the criminal state has penalized people that have to work two shifts at minimum wage just to still be poor and get evicted. That is 16 hour days at minimum wage which is still way below the poverty line, this is not sustainable and this is what our new President will eradicate. My dad spent a lot of money for me to get an education from  a good school how come there are no jobs out there? It is because of Obummer and his fraudulent deep state operatives. He is trying to sabotage our President because he knows that the gloves are coming off. How many things did the deep state get away with? Project Longevity- Eric Holder the Constitution State is a criminal state that stages schools shootings and makes believe that little children were murdered. Fast And Furious, Benghazi, Extortion 17 these people need to get locked up. There needs to be an adjudication of these deep state alleged acts and slander and libelous defamation cases should be initiated against all Media Outlets that are controlled 100% by the deep state cia and all of their bogus handlers. We should be able to get our illegitimate former Potus with questionable birth certificates under oath and bring Wolfgang Halbig in as an expert witness. As President you have an obligation to tell the truth to the American people and if you don't you deserve what you get. I am very confident that our new President is not going to stage crisis actor drama, he will never lie to us and on top of all that he is going to create wealth, jobs and prosperity even for the poor folks. To be fair to our former Potus I was told by somebody that Obama care helped him so it had its advantages, he might not be evil incarnate but he is definitely not an angel.  

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