Saturday, March 11, 2017

Your Fired

President Trump did the right thing by firing 46 holdover prosecutors from the most corrupt Justice Dept that we ever had. Chuck Schumer is the deep states head clown with bogus and fraudulent tears to go along with our former Potus. This is the beginning of the end for the deep state that didn't do a dam thing except stage fraudulent false flag school shootings. Who is responsible for what goes on in our country? The President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer Of The Supreme Law Of The Land. The Navy Yard shooting was 100% total fraud bogus that didn't add up 100% DHS crisis actors to go along with everything else these deep state criminals got away with. How is VT going to blame anybody except our Commander In Chief. Obummer was his own man and he was not a puppet for Israel's Mossad, this is a total distraction bs fall guy blame game that the deep state continues to use to try to justify their crimes. Eric Holder had to brainwash the American people about guns and we had to start to think about them in a vastly different way. So why not stage a drill and have their deep state criminal bogus media outlets like CNN report on it as if it was a real shooting? This is fraud, deception and a serious Rico crime. We have a National School Safety expert with an impressive resume who has has poked more holes in The Sandy Hook final  bogus story report then Swiss Cheese. He even has a copy of the drill from DHS or Obsidian Analysis who wrote the script when they were really supposed to be protecting us from bad guys. They should be ashamed of themselves. These deep state operatives swore an oath to the US Constitution and they blatantly and egregiously violated their oath and service to the American people. These deep state criminals have also threatened Wolfgang Halbig by stating that his grandchildren would more or less be harmed if he didn't take his Sandy Hook Justice website down- They can go fuck themselves because Wolfgang is my friend and I already lost sleep thinking that these pieces of shit were going to kill him or at the very least have him neutralized. We aren't going away because there is going to be heads rolling at the highest levels. President Trump is going to have his own Dept. Of Justice, eliminating 46 holdover Prosecutors from Eric Holders contaminated and corrupt Justice just the beginning. There will be a major Federal Class Action lawsuit initiated by We The People. This is a serious Rico crime and if the FBI wasn't totally corrupted and not in on this fraudulent scam themselves they would have been doing their jobs and already investigating this as a major league Rico crime. The state of Ct has a legal obligation to respond to legitimate FOIA requests and they haven't responded to Wolfgang Halbigs inquiries in a satisfactory manner. These maphia thugs think that its ok to terrorize the American people so they can start to snatch our legal weapons and insult every American soldier that swore an oath to our country as well. They have insulted the very fabric our country was founded on, they are arrogant bullies who never had to become accountable for their actions. I got charged with multiple felonies for my long guns and these people stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were murdered. They are beyond disturbed and despicable excuses for human beings. I have echos on my phone which more or less means that my phones are being tapped. My number is on the home page so call me up deep state criminals. I don't deviate my boring schedule and I never mix up my route. This means that I am very predicable as far as where I go every day. After my meetings I go to work out across the street at the North Palm Beach Community Center so lets see how tough these people really are. So come on show me what you are made of you pieces of garbage, I just called you all out lets see what happens.

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