Monday, March 6, 2017

Subverive Alliances There are some real subversive forces within the intel community. These people are so off the chart fake. Pissgate and every other story they continue to make up and nobody ever gets in trouble for lying to Congress. That's called perjury and last time I checked there are penalties involved when one does that. I pled out to a class e felony and went through the wringer for having legally registered firearms and I developed PTSD from the shock and awe of it. Being treated like a criminal, I felt anxious and this contributed to my full blown drug addiction. I was already a full blown opiate addict before my knee surgery so it wasn't the meds that were prescribed by the doctor for my menisoctomy because I was already taking Vicodin off the street. I ended up hooked on Mr. Xanie Bars. Abe Lincoln said you are never supposed to lie but not if you a with the cia or an operative like our former Potus. Seriously how can you come into Newtown and make up a bs story that some 90 pound photo shop weakling with Asperger's went on a wild shooting rampage? Who ever does that with a straight face has to be a sociopath lets be honest. Its not a joke because its sick and twisted. He had Gov Malloy and Eric Holder and the entire upper echelon of the bureaucratic establishment elites in on the scam. Maybe our Potus is a threat to their phony false flags with bogus tears and our new Potus will start to ask questions and eventually adjudicate this pathetic excuse for a school shooting. This may be why Brennan and Clapper and many others are doing their best to try to sabotage our President. I talked to Wolfgang a couple years ago and he clearly stated to me that "we need a Donald Trump" so there you have it. We have a President that makes us feel good to be Americans and he is going to create jobs and prosperity. There already is a Trump rally on Wall Street and nobody is stating that it is a bubble. Lets get rid of all of the subversive weirdo's in our intel apparatus so we can get back to becoming productive members of society. He already was a success in the business world how many of our politicians can say the same? We have a bunch of political hacks and career bull shitters that have been pulling the strings for all of our previous years. I never heard Obama talk about our drug epidemic or even come close to offering solutions. I want to tell the Washington elites and Congress that this new Suboxone program is a joke, you need to get dope addicts off of all drugs. Anything else is just big pharmas criminal enterprise that already has its hooks deeply embedded into Congress and Wall Street. They should be ashamed of themselves.  Also our Potus talks to us via Twitter what has everybody else done? Nothing except have their spokesman issue a statement. On Sat. we didn't hear from our former Potus we had to hear it through a spokesman of the former Obama administration. That is the problem right there, the disconnect the elites have with the common folks. Like Hillary never did a dam thing except hang out in her limos with secret service details and plenty of ass kissing to  boot. That doesn't work anymore and that is why they lost the election. It never worked for the American people and it never will. The elites have 5 or 6 layers of bs protecting them from the American people because they never had to do a dam thing except read off of a teleprompter. Even 9-11 was scripted- W and his big bull horn at ground zero that was a made for Hollywood moment I must admit. "They are going to hear from all of us soon enough" remember that line next to the fireman? President Trump will never lie to us so go for it Democrats and deep state operatives  give it your best shot and try to knock him off his game because it is never going to happen. 

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