Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pfizer Papers

You are about to embark as a reader on a journey through an extraordinary story—one whose elements almost defy belief. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Rabies Miasm

My Newfoundland, who was 3 at the time, got attacked by a neighbor’s dog while on a walk. I reported the incident to animal control who then sent us a notice ordering us to give a rabies vax to our unvaccinated dog. I foolishly complied and he was like a different dog afterwards. He began lunging at other dogs and became aggressive to the point where he couldn’t be around anyone. He would also snap at people if they tried to pet him. He basically had to live out the rest of his life in isolation. Newfoundlands are not aggressive by nature, they’re big cuddly teddy bears. He lived to be 12, but had a very sad life. Ironically, my oldest son is severely autistic and regressed into autism following his one year “well baby” drs. visit. He lost all his language, began having seizures and developmentally remains at a level of a young child at age 32. I have to do almost everything for him such as hygiene, meals, etc. I wish that I knew then what I know now. We learned the hard way. No more shots ever, people or animals. (post from a contributor from Dark and Deadly rabies racket Peggy Hall The Healthy American)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hold Fast

 DJT gave the Macleod Hold Fast warrior fist when the deep state tried to take him out- It was divine intervention- I knew then that the swamp will be drained of all of the  parasites cheaters and frauds that are in our system- Macleods are Vikings- violence is in our nature- We don't look for trouble  but when it finds us there is war like none other- That's what warrior poets do- We fight for a higher purpose out of our deep love for people and to continually fight for our freedom 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Devil Bill

Dr. William Levingston was actually an itinerant salesman with a phony name who created a concoction of oil and laxative and branded it as a cure for cancer. Since cancer was a dreaded and usually fatal disease, people would buy and try literally anything for a cure.

He would explain that if his miracle cure was strong enough to beat cancer, then it would most certainly take care of a whole lot of other diseases as well! When William came to a new town, he would mesmerize and trick people into buying his “miracle cure.” As soon as anyone questioned the his phony operation, he would ride out much faster than he had originally arrived. William was indeed a fraud and a con artist, but he somehow always managed to escape arrest or lynching. He died in 1906 at the ripe old age of 95. Earlier in life, he reportedly bragged “I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make ‘em sharp.” 

However, Levingston’s name was indeed a fraud. His real name was William Avery Rockefeller, Sr. and one of those ‘sharp’ sons was John D. Rockefeller, who was soon to become the richest man in America and grandfather of David A. Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973-.( Dr Robert Yohos blog)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Entitled Politician

 Charles Burkett the Surfside Fla mayor is an entitled duesh who interfered in a traffic- citation in an attempt to get his two cents in- That's why we don't like politicians this guys ego is way out of bounds- First of all he should be applauding this cop for giving a ticket for tinted windows- He said that is what he was doing but the cop allegedly gave him a dirty look-

Is this clown so self important that he expects every cop to recognize him or actually know who he is- Mayors are not  special to say the least- Seriously this was a poor demonstration of leadership- Do you know who I am he said-

How do these dueshes end up as politicians- I don't feel like checking it out but it says he is an investor- Ya like getting grease money and favors- Tinted windows are shady you cant see the driver therefore hand signals are obfuscated so accidents are more likely-

More often then not tinted windows is sending a message like you are hiding something and  means that your  driving dirty- Its good that tickets are given out- All of these slimy politicians were going along w the COVID con and muzzles- Have everybody dress up and look like a criminal while suffocating themselves

Trust the science- I trust these people like our arch enemy pulling that scam off and actually getting away w it- Now they are trying to bring it back again- Tinted windows and muzzle your face ya our politicians are as shady as they come- The  mayors job is not as tough as cops so stay in your own lane and show some deference and respect to these men and women who actually have real courage- They face unexpected dangers and risk their lives every day something that clueless and entitled politicians no nothing about- They are too busy being sucked up to and having executive protection details

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

You Want Revolution

Pay them more don't make it sound like the system is fair- Managerial positions are still minimum wage in today's market where the greed is coming from up above- A matter of crime is making it sound like she got off light and that she shouldn't have received another job- What are you going to do stone her and starve her to death- Ya she betrayed the company but the companies have been betraying their workers for ages by not only paying them pennies on the dollar but also by working them like slaves- Why should the slaves be paid nothing while the far cat corportists who do little or nothing make millions and today even billions- The system has failed rents are too high and not commensurate w the wages these slaves make-Hyperinflation meanwhile food prices are still through the roof- You reap what you sew-The revolution should have happened by now-

So what do these fat cats do when they get caught red handed gaming the system w/ high risk derivatives- They get rewarded millions while a few small fries do the time- Donny boy Rumsfeld couldn't account for a few trillion right before 9-11 but then they lock up a working slave working at Target and claim that she got off too light-

The feds lie w/ the IRS and have their slimy politicians tell us why we are fighting the wars- Federal taxes they steal from the working slaves and put that right back into the robber barons pockets- They lose wars and our troops continuously get killed and then they cover up and lie about every major investigation-

Now everything is going to hell in a handbasket and is a total shutshow- An inept imposter who cant even speak running for Potus- The Marxists letting all hell break loose by letting the people on the street rob loot and pillage- Maybe they know the system is a sham so they are letting it get destroyed- If Frank Lucas was bringing in dope during the American Gangster days w/ NYPD on the take and then cia Air America- cocaine in the 70s 8os and 90s are we supposed to believe that they aint bringing in the poison shit now-

Its like they figured out how to kill people quicker by lacing everything w/ fentanyl- While the Sacklers of our world intentionally started the whole dam thing- Predictive programing- They know how to target the weak and vulnerable

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Obummer Highway

 Welcome to Obummer highway one of the most dangerous around- That would be the former Manchurian candidate who is now endorsing some imposer who is a co conspirator to stealing the 2020 election- This dementia ridden individual couldnt even put two sentences together during the first debate- And his ego is so big he puts himself before America- If you aren't up to the job then step down try to think about we the people instead if your own continuous self aggrandizement- 4 years one of the worst presidents now he cant even speak properly- Its time to hang up your spikes-

This is what America has come to Marxist Obummer w/ his false flag phony tears and the most violent highway around as far as shootings- It is a place that is so violent and dangerous no store wants to open up around that area its too much of a liability- Dominos drivers used to need a police escort now they fly at their own risk. One of them was ambushed and murdered recently not too far from Obummers highway-

So instead of trying to help the local community since he has name on it  by making the area safer so businesses can open up he terrorized America w/ a fake shooting and made believe that little children were murdered in New town 30 miles from where I used to live- Then he has his goombahs threaten arrest  sue and harass  a legitimate investigator somebody I consider to be my friend- He is also  a national school safety expert that was just trying to do his job-

Now he endorses some ineffective individual who hasn't been doing America any favors- Why is it that its nearly impossible to run a business in these hell hole cities anti capitalist let the migrants and hoodlums run around and cause severe havok- That's Obummers legacy fake tears and the most violent stretch of highway in Palm Beach County-