Wednesday, March 8, 2017

War- Deadly Force And Rehab

You cant give away what you don't have. I got certified as an interventionist and sober coach but I wasn't sober myself. I had self knowledge which avails us nothing so there you have it I was never going to be successful under those circumstances. Motives can be pure but somebody has to be the real deal if they want to get into the business of trying to save lives. Today being successful is being of service and having a primary purpose, this is a reason for me to get up in the morning. Bill W had a business plan to make money with sober housing but the group conscience shot him down. He was a vivacious mover and shaker, a real entrepunuer that also made some things happen on wall street as well from what I gather. There are no money makers and hierarchies in the program, the highest level one can ever get is sober. That is how and why the recovery capitals of the world got so corrupted. War should always be your last resort, this premise holds true for when making the split second decision to use deadly force with a firearm during a hand to hand scenario. If somebody is trying to take you out and it is going to be lights out for sure then that is when you can reach for your firearm. If you don't have hand to hand skills then you shouldn't legally be allowed  to carry a weapon. This same premise holds true in the recovery world. Rehabs like war and deadly force split second decisions should only be the last resort. In other words the reason that these places are making so much money is because they have a hierarchy that works with insurance companies and the criminal justice system and people end up getting sentenced to treatment instead of jail. Rehabs are supposed to be a place of discovery, the actual recovery begins afterword in the so called real world. What about the drug addict and alcoholic that has a family member who calls up A and E but  has no criminal record but is still in very bad shape? That is where the interventions come into play however they shouldn't be sending these people to rehab right off the bat. They should be going to detoxes and have sponsors and holistic therapists lined up on the outside. The Treatment center industry today is totally corrupted with big pharmas hooks that have nurse PR actioners acting as drug dealers that are even worse then the dope dealers out on the street. They really are drug dealers and this is not a joke. If people aren't speaking out about this then that just means that they are part of the problem. If alcoholism/drug addiction are one in the same then that means that the treatment should be the same. Just because somebody is a pill addict or heroin junky doesn't mean that they have a dual diagnosis comorbid condition where anti depressants become part of the treatment plan. This is serious because I came out of treatment in 2011 so doped up on non narcotics this only made me continue to have drug seeking behavior. Of course drug addicts are going to say yes to drugs especially so called innocuous ones that is just the way we roll most of the time. The reason that there is such a high recidivism rate is due to the side effects of these drugs certified and pushed by the biggest drug dealers of all and they are actually supposed to be helping the client? A real intervention should consist of a 12 step call big book style where no money is made because this is how we stay sober. We take the client to detox and AA meetings and be there for them as their sponsor and or just their friend. One can make money as a sober companion for the first 90 days but these rehab treatment centers have gotten way out of hand. If you are a junky and don't feel comfortable in AA then NA works as well but AA has a proven track record of long term success and no other program has ever come close. That is why the druggie buggie rehab owners should give a few extra dollars to their clients if they don't have it and 9 times out of 10 they definitely don't have it so they can put the money in the basket. So let me get this straight these rehab owners can send a piss test to the lab and make 1000% pure profit exponentially and many times over but they cant give their clients a few extra dollars to put in the basket? AA clubs are not trying to make money they are definitely in it for the right reasons, however there are bills to pay to keep the doors open. The average donation in 1960 was a dollar per person, its now 50 plus years later. There is no reason why druggie buggie rehabbers cant be given a few extra dollars from the owners of these facilities to put in the basket whether the client wants to be there or not. These rehabs should be pushing AA hard core and I am talking about much harder then their drug dealer Nurse PR actioner/psychiatrist programs.    

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