Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Eye In The Sky Never Tells A Lie

Our former Potus a constitutional lawyer but he operates way above the law, that is very creepy. Spying on people is beyond creepy lets be honest. There are so many weirdo's within our intelligence apparatus that we should be used to it by now. What kind of strange person would want to be involved in snooping or listening in to what other peoples conversations are or to observe their day to day behavioral actions? This is like Norman Bates behavior, somebody who is that unfulfilled in their own mundane life and if they are actually getting paid to listen in on a wiretap or if they are being paid to observe what other people are doing with their eye in the sky technology this is totally unacceptable. Ponopticon and sell outs that are using advanced technology for all the wrong reasons. Unless there is a legit reason for it then that is when you get a warrant for a wiretap but there shouldn't be huge backlogs or bureaucratic obstacles and loopholes to jump through or overcome once you make the request. FISA above the law Obummer Sandy Hook false flag phony tears and prosecuting legit journalists under the espionage act instead of giving them a protected haven under the whistleblower protection act. The one positive thing I can say about Obummer is that he didn't vehemently lash out toward Edward Snowden and start calling for his execution because that is ridiculous. The eye in the sky was getting way out of control and Snowden did his duty as a Patriot and he is not a traitor to his country. So leave the guy alone, there are so many weirdo's within our  ogas that don't do a dam thing except check out what other people are doing, that is way beyond creepy. They should be using that technology to keep hard core criminals from repeating acts of violence or preventing sexual predators from acting out again as well. Why cant the Democrats just accept the fact that they lost the election fair and square and stop making up McCarthyism type stories and creating drama? I believe that our President has proof of the wiretaps otherwise he wouldn't have brought it to our attention. A FISA wiretap  is different then a traditional wiretap where one believes that one might be an agent of a foreign power- If anybody should have been investigated more thoroughly with FISA it was our former Potus- birth certificates of questionable origin and who knows where he was really born

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