Monday, March 27, 2017

Are You Serious I cant write because I am too upset about these as holes who push vaccines when its a known fact that Mercury is a poison. Neurotoxins- Are you serious- Does this really mean that they know that Vaccines are not safe and effective but  they still continue to push them anyway? I cant wait until heads roll at the highest level- They intentionally give poison neurotoxins to little babies could this actually be true? Evidence seems to point in this direction and facts cant be disputed as Eckard Tolle states in A New Earth. These facts seem to be indisputable but  its up to me to make it personal and I have decided to make this  personal. The cowards behind the curtain have blood on their hands- Natural News has a good article that shows how big Pharma Lies are the same as Big Tobacco lies but just recycled- That is another thing cigarettes are so addictive, they put chemicals in them to make it this way- The Insider with Russel Crowe- I am not talking about just pittance lawsuits that in aggregate are pennies on the dollar considering how much money they actually make, I am talking about people going to jail- If anybody can straighten this mess out it is our new Potus- And if you aren't indignant and  seeing red about this then don't worry just go back to your chemical lobotomies everything will be fine- let the real men of this world take care of business

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