Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Real War When Conspiracy Theory becomes conspiracy fact- 90% of the heroin is coming in from Afghanistan- Ron Paul is listed as a source in this article- Fox News is doing a good job with pointing out how being PC is hurting this country- This is true, the phony liberals are so full of animus and creating non existent issues out of nowhere. They aren't even real liberals, they are fake people that are filled with rage and self absorption. I am telling you Chris Mathews is bad news with how he talks about our Potus and his daughter and son in law- Disturbing, MSNBC and CNN politically correct, they are a total and complete waste of time. Mathews asked a woman a question and didn't even wait for her to respond, she couldn't get one word in edge wise, pathetic. Liberal Academia- why spend over 100k for a liberal education if its only going to be slanted way to the left. I watch Oreilly- he wants us to be successful by reading not only his books but many others. He also has a word of the day every day very impressive. Do you think these liberal pc ideologues want us to be successful? They want us to be as miserable as they are, this shows with their jealousy of Fox News. Our Potus wants us to be successful as well and let me tell you something I  want to be successful and that is why I read books and look up the words that I don't know just like Oreilly wants us to. The liberals are intellectually dishonest. Maxine Watters will never be successful because people like this are incapable of telling the truth. We have an administration that is Pro Americana, the stock market is booming and gloom and doom is in the distant past. However if we are supposed to be fighting this drug war we need to be honest with who the real players are.. Its not Mexico because 90% of the heroin is coming in from Afghanistan with cia protection and cover. I will never fight something or stand behind pc people in the media who keep talking about how evil the Mexican Drug Cartels are. We aren't school children anymore, the Iran Contra drug running never left our Military Industrial Complex and many of our Wall Street Banks so please stop with the pc bs. Money Laundering drug money is that what our soldiers really died for? I would be pissed off if I was sent to a foreign land to find Bin Laden when in reality I was just aiding and abetting major profits for American drug cartels.  

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