Tuesday, March 28, 2017

US vs Them

https://www.infowars.com/whistleblower-files-charges-against-obamacare-looting-scheme/ Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae- After they helped to loot America in the Dust Bowl That Almost Was how are they still in business? How many people go into political positions because they are out for our greater good? Maybe in the land of fairy tales but not in our world. The problem with American Greed- Scams  Scoundrels and Scandals with Stacy Keach is that they seem to focus on the little league scams. What about the big league plundering and pillaging operations of the gullible people that fall for fraudulent and phony charities for so called victims of innocent school children shootings? Its pretty much a guarantee that most benevolent looking charities are fraudulent on some level. Any time something is geared toward pulling at your heart strings then that is red flag 101. Like the ASPCA commercial ads with the dogs that are malnourished looking and about to die. Most of these charities wont be considered fraudulent but extortionist to some extent. In most cases they are just paying themselves fat cat salaries from the donations that they receive from the gullible American saps. What ever happened to Barney Frank? Freddie Mac Fannie Mae I wonder if he is hooked in with Obummers looting scheme? In todays world unless I really see the body for myself to make sure that its not a wax dummy and conduct the DNA tests then I am not buying that anybody's really dead. So they can put up all of the Go Fund Me Charities they want to try to pull at our heartstrings however unless I am the one who conducted the investigation then to me the story is not legit. The problem with most of these fraudulent stories is that the family members as well as the various news outlets are in on the scam as well so that makes it a lose lose scenario. And many of these so called truthers are not necessarily FBI cointelpro or controlled opposition but rather products of the cia that were well in the know all along. Their job is to basically piss us off even more and to also raise awareness as well as to create divide and conquer scenes that end up just being an exercise in futility. That is why Eckard Tolle had it right on the money with his overall analysis. The US vs Them is just our collective ego that is actually insane especially when it comes to war and the killing of other humans. He basically stated that being normal is really insane as far as our bellicose hawkish ideologies. Also anytime there is an us vs them declaration of war then this is usually a guarantee that it will be a losing war to some extent because this only ads fuel to the fire. He mentioned The War On Drugs, The War on Terrorism. This is Hegelian Dialectic that was created by the cia long ago. It is guaranteed to only make things worse and Sisyphean once we declare war on someone or something. Look at Hamburger Hill in Vietnam or Fallujah after our Devil Dogs fought their hearts out.

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