Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Who Is Bonafide And Legit?

http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/the-deep-state-is-a-figment-of-steve-bannons-imagination-214892 The Deep State is real and this article and author doesn't have any substance. The deep state are the Beltway Bandits that run the fake news and basically had our President as a longshot to win the election. I believe it was after the second debate that the main stream news officially stated that Hillary would be our next Commander In Chief no questions asked. I accepted that fact and was quite demoralized because supposedly whatever they say is usually right on the money right? Not quite to say the least but there are definitely saboteurs as Sean Hannity stated that are doing their best to pull all of the strings. Some of these so called truthers in the alternative media that allegedly have legit sources appear to be products of the deep state themselves more then likely on Rockefellers or Brzezinskis payroll. Either way they are established elites that continue to justify red tape bureaucracy and plenty of fake news stories. I felt empathy for our Potus when he was going through the grueling campaign stages and didn't have the backing of the major news networks. Its not that he was looking for subjective or slanted viewpoints he just wanted fair and balanced and it was anything but. So this individual is trying to claim that the Deep State doesn't really exist? Articles like this are easy to read through because they have no substance. I like hard hitting reality from people like AJ because what he says has credibility. The Deep State is going to be destroyed because they are shady operators. The Beltway Bandits aren't straight shooters, they will sell you disinfo and distortion campaigns, propaganda, half truths and back stabbing. VT has been one of the biggest letdowns of all. I should have known when their was a pejorative comment about Wolfgang on their board just because the man has guts and was doing his best to investigate the Sandy Hook Scam. Getting rid of Fetzer and a few others writers abruptly and seemingly out of nowhere was also very telling. Gordon Duff is flat out not humble either and made a comment to a woman that was inappropriate just because she asked a question about Jade Helm. I admit that I put Duff on a pedestal because I saw that he had guts and was calling out 9-11s bogus official report as well as the entire nefarious establishment itself with what he considered to be 100% verified intel. Child Sacrifice pedophile rings, Franklin Cover Ups, whatever he was investigating I was very much interested in because this kind of filth had to be eliminated and firebombed immediately. Not too many other investigators seemed to be targeting that scum of the earth. I wanted the man as President because I saw him as a balls to the wall leader that would have been able to put real bad guys in jail. I am not sold on Stew Webb anymore. I have to get this off my chest because I no longer believe that Stew Webb is the real deal. First of all I never believed that he really saw the devil. Secondly wtf who are The Michigan Flag Officers that are supposedly conducting all of these secret behind closed door testimonies that nobody else knows about for  all of these alleged crimes committed by the deep state? The thing that really pisses me off is that he stated that he himself had a bw helo shot down wtf is that all about? Let me tell you something how and why could or would Stew Web shoot down a bw helo? If this was really true then they wouldn't be sending third and fourth world punks and thugs to try to kill him. Stew Webb stated that these African rank amateur weasel punks came to try to take him out and it caused him another car crash. I don't believe that Stew Web had enough juice to have a bw helo shot down. The bw guys are super Patriots why the f would he even say such a thing or insinuate that he did something like this that is what I want to know? Those guys are the real deal so I 110% don't believe any stories that suggest otherwise or that they are anything but 100% bonafide soldiers of the apocalypse and rock and roll mercenaries who love their country deeply. Their instructors are the best in the world and anybody that claims differently are the same types who continually try to knock AJ off of his media empire, its all jealousy. The bw compound was hallowed ground to me, their instructors are down to earth and completely humble. Stew Webb seems to have good intel but is it really legit and for what reason would he have a bw helo shot down inquiring people want to know? He is also so negative about AJ that I really cant deal with him anymore.     

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