Wednesday, March 8, 2017

AJ Is In The Big Leagues I respect AJ because he is aggressive and he has been standing up for America for years. He opened my eyes when  I wasn't planning on seeing but everything that  he stated seemed to check out. When the student is ready then the teacher appears. I got sidetracked by the opposition but always came back to his website and internet/ radio show for what is real and legit. What he does is not easy and he never seemed to receive that much credit for his efforts. If anything the small time players in the alternative media seemed to criticize him on a regular basis. If anybody thinks that  running an investigative journalist/ alternative media program with the intensity and power that he consistently delivers on a daily basis is not a struggle at times then they don't have a clue. It takes guts to be on the front lines every day, having excitement and passion is something that really cant be taught. Its like if you make it to the NFL or get past sf or Buds training you are officially in the Big Leagues. AJ is in the big leagues in ways that are much more important then Bread and Circus. He delivered for us in a big league way by standing behind our new Potus. Our Potus  seemed to come out of nowhere but I wasn't surprised because I read his book in 2012. I started  watching AJ around 2013 and realized more then ever that we needed big changes. Seriously AJ tells us the way the world really works and I love how he goes after frauds and phonies. He is Americana that is why I no longer  pay attention to his critics who I believe are more then likely jealous. Its like when you are making it to the big leagues or become a Whale on Wall Street there are going to be many people that try to trip you along the way. Back stabbers, petty jealousies and bureaucrats that only wish that they had the same passion and integrity as  AJ. Nobody is perfect especially me but I will no longer doubt Infowars and AJ because he does and says what he means and will always do what is right for our country. Hopefully he will have Wolfgang back on his program because AJ even said it himself going after and calling out the establishment is exhilarating. I have heard that when people have real live rounds flying down range coming from all different directions that this is the only time they really feel like they are truly alive. AJ knows how to fight and he always has sources to back his claims. That is why we all need to take on main stream media head on the only way the AJ President Trump way. I also respect the fact that AJ stated that he is never going to fake or stage his own death. If somebody is going to take him out then it will be real. I have no respect for some of these Illuminati Jacobites who make believe that they are dead when they are really not. I think it comes down to the more famous that somebody is then the bigger chance there is that they are still alive. I think that this is strange weird and disturbing. There should be honor in death meaning that you if you go down then go down the right way and that you stood for something. If somebody stages or fakes their death in my book they are just a coward. I believe that I heard AJ state that he wouldn't commit suicide not stage his own death. In other words the DC Madam was taken out after being on his show but the cia mobsters always try to make it appear that it is a suicide. What about that Milford cop that had Ct Major Crimes investigating his alleged suicide. This man  did not fit the profile of somebody that would take his own life. Are you serious this is like lets have all of the criminals run the investigations to make it more obvious then ever.  

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