Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Buy American And Hire American

President Trump hit a grand slam last night with his speech. The Time for small thinking is over. Its like in Texas everything is bigger and it is supposed to be better. There is hope for immigration reform but unfortunately there aren't enough jobs for the working poor as it is. That means that every time I fill out an application for a minimum wage job I have to check and prove that I am an American citizen to DHS. It is ridiculous, being treated like garbage in my own country. Standards have been very low and really scraping bottom. I am not racist nor Xenophobic and neither is our Potus, he just wants to put America first. Our institutions of higher learning aren't that great either. For example when I attended Ithaca one of the bastions of all liberal Academic curriculums my Poly Science Professor asked us what Ike did that was any good. In other words he meant that President Eisenhower didn't do anything productive. I had no idea what Ike did how was a 20 year old supposed to know anything? The only thing I remember was that I was really excited about our military going into Kuwait and Iraq to take care of the bad guys and to make our country proud.  There was nothing positive and encouraging about the military industrial complex at my college coming from the higher ups however that is completely understandable after Vietnam. That is why this devil dog OCS recruiter shouldn't have been so arrogant toward me after I told him that I washed out of OCS right away. He was like I am the man you are weak how did you end up getting NPQ'd? I deserved encouragement instead of condescension because I was one of the few students at  that school who wasn't drinking beer and who wasn't on a ROTC scholarship so I was doing that out of love for country. That was also after I saw how Ronny Kovik ended up in a wheel chair after his John Wayne moment during his firefight in Vietnam. How many other students did he recruit hardly any I am sure of this at least I tried so I rest my case. Last night our President stated that we were going to build superhighway infrastructures just as Ike did. He was a 5 star General for that reason alone he did many great things. That is why we needed an Ike type General running the Iraq war on the Army side somebody who's pedigree goes back to the Revolutionary War so Gen Sanchez didn't make the cut. The problem with the left and being Politically correct is that they are intellectually arrogant and take advantage of most peoples general lack of historical knowledge. Things suck pretty bad for me, my expectations right now are getting a job that pays a little bit more then Dunkin Donuts. That is pathetic, our Potus knows this and he is going to provide opportunity, pride and patriotism to our former broken country. This means that since he is now the head shed our country is on the mend. Chris Wallace stated that last night he cemented his imprint as far as being our President. We need to get rid of all of the petty criminal illegal immigrants that have been detained by Ice. Ice works overtime incarcerating these people and then they sit in our jails interminably and end up never getting deported. It sucks for them but let me tell you something it really sucks for us because we are Naturalized American citizens and there are still no jobs out there. The argument that they do the jobs that we don't want or will never take and that they do good things for the Black Market doesn't add up either. My fellow addicts cant find anything except boiler room operations and minimum wage shit pay. Where are the Black market jobs for us? I worked pretty hard in college and always looked up the words that I didn't know in an attempt to make me a little smarter then the day before so it really shouldn't be like this. Obummer and Obamacare stand downs at the border, he set us up for a Banana Republic where English is a second language. Our President is going to follow through on his words just wait and see. If Mexico wants to pick a fight and unleash their drug cartels and continue to ship in their dope they are going to be in a world of hurt. This is the USA we don't need corrupt cartel kingpins like the ones in Mexico who have Law Enforcement in their back pocket pulling strings and anybody who speaks out ends up dead. They wont stand a chance against our teams so they can bring it on anyplace anytime. Also after our Potus locks her up and drains the swamp he needs to build a wall but also make sure that they aren't getting in through the air as well.    

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