Monday, February 27, 2017

VT- Impartial Not A Chance How can this guy say that VT is impartial to our Potus? Almost every article I read so far is anti Trump especially from my former go to guys Gordon Duff and Jim Dean. I respect their Patriotism as far as not wanting Americas hooks to be too deeply embedded into Israeli intel but they seem to be off the chart. I like gaining a perspective from both sides of the political spectrum but their Trump bashing is way over the edge. I am still trying to figure out how Hillary would have been a better fit as our Potus?. Seriously the two head sheds at VT are Gordon and Jim Dean and they both seem to have a lot of animosity to our president elect. How can he be that bad because he has already built great structures and was a success in the business world. I would never want to be on Hillarys Apprentice because I would rather throw up first. I would go the extra yard and work very diligently if I was on The Donalds Apprentice. That is because he is  an entrepreneur, trustworthy and a businessman and Hillary is a stone cold criminal. She pillaged Haiti with the Clinton Foundation and the funds that were supposed to be used for the poor and the dilapidated. She also was allegedly involved in many Arkansides and mobster type threats and violence toward people to cover up crimes so for that reason alone she shouldn't have been allowed to run. Roger Stone stated that some Arkansas State Troopers beat the living shit (to near death) out of a witness to Slick Willys infidelities. Also I never witnessed  Gordon acknowledge any of Hillarys alleged criminal activity as if it never even existed. Seriously I remember Stew Webb had a plethora of intel proving that she was bad news and it was if what he had was irrelevant. Seriously the link on top of this page is not accurate. I also don't recall any big Pharma blowback from VT. Infact I recall Gordon stating that vaccines were good for animals in so many words so that meant that they must be good for people? Also I don't think that we were nuked on 9-11, I don't believe in Seymour Hershs  Samson Option that nukes are allegedly planted underneath many of our  cities. There are a lot of smart people running the show at VT however I cant really take all of their Trump bashing anymore. I should be allowed to finally have at least one Potus to look up to as far as leadership and character are concerned.    

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