Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Laissez Faire Solution For Our Criminal Justice System

 Freud stated that the two things we need to be happy are love and work. This same premise holds true for our draconian prison system. Rehabilitation is practically non existent but we  still continue to do the same things and expect different results. Actually I am confident that they know that it doesn't work but they still do it anyway. This should be another definition of insanity. For starters most of these so called violent offenders are really not that violent. It all comes down to needing their fix and becoming willing to go to any length to achieve this goal. They were either arrested with a weapon or with somebody that had a weapon when they got caught up. The Posse gang mentality is definitely not the best example of human nature but the facts are still clear. Most of the inmates have the disease of addiction and the Illuminati Robber barons know how addictive this shit is why do you think they are bringing it in to our cities and suburbs in such massive quantities? This is a perfect storm to get everybody hooked on Suboxone to make this a double whammy profit center. Greed Mongers gone wild, maybe they should figure out how to take this business model public and initiate an IPO. These string pullers need to do some time and get a dose of what life is really like on the inside. The inmates know all about the Illuminati. Who do you think broke the ice to me when I was in jail? They didn't believe for one second that Bin Laden was really dead or that the raid in 2011 was real or legit, they even requested familial DNA. Most of these people are victims of the system that set us up for guaranteed failure. That is why the only solution is Laissez Faire hands off decriminalization of all narcotic drugs. If the goal is mass depopulation anyway then let the addict kill themselves with drugs on the outside and then try to introduce them to the program in the interim with professional interventions. These string pullers are Janus Principle snake in the grass slimy serpents. In other words people complain that inmates are draining the tax payers dollars with three hots and a cot and that they really don't even deserve that. That is how ignorant our main stream talking heads have made most people. These investors are making so much money off of people being incarcerated with for profit publically traded jails, prisons, state run rehab facilities, private sober homes the list goes on. So this basically means that they want you locked up even though they know for sure that it doesn't work. This just creates ticking time bombs of either dormant addiction if they weren't using on the inside or harder core criminals who learn better tricks of the trade. The disease progresses while dormant this means that it only gets worse never better once somebody picks back up after a period of long term abstinence. It is a guarantee that the disease picks up where it left off but gets even progressively worse. So basically what I am saying is that they need to stop sentencing people to ridiculous amounts of time for drug offenses or even so called violent crimes when it should be clear that the individual has the disease of addiction. When I was locked up there was a waiting list for people that wanted to work. Contrary to popular belief addicts even if they aren't sober have a desire to be productive members of society. So where are the good jobs, I just called these people out lets see what happens.  

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