Tuesday, February 14, 2017

CPA-Cant Produce Anything And Global Warming

http://www.infowars.com/noaa-scientists-manipulated-temperature-data-to-make-global-warming-seem-worse/ Oreilly and his go to guy Jesse Waters was interviewing people on the street about Global Warming- It looks like Watters may have been implying that Global Warming is a scam. If true then that means that there is some hope for Fox News after all. When I was a kid like 14 our family moved to Greenwich. I learned that in Greenwich everything was the opposite. In other words the kids would say that girl is ugly if she was really good looking something to that effect. Turns out that is exactly the way the Free Masons roll, isn't it a coincidence that many of them live in Greenwich? NWO Kissinger the whole 9 yards. My acquaintances that I smoked pot with were showing me the way the world really works. In Fiasco an sf soldier quit the CPA which stood for (Cant Produce Anything). Basically they were overpaid civilians brought into the Iraq war without any experience and they were put into very heady positions, decisions of life and death. The sf guy knew that the war was Fubar from day 1 so he packed up his bags and went home. He said that everything was Pollyanna La La land and that he hated Bremer. Why would civilians make up stories to appease the press back home and the bureaucrats in Washington when that wasn't really the truth? Here is what it comes down to- There should be one man in charge like Gen Mattis who is now the Secretary of Defense which is good news. He should have been the only one making all of the pleminary war planning from A-Z and all of final decisions while in the actual war zone. Lets take a look at Fallujah where Gen. Mattis had a great intel gathering plan, his Devil Dogs even had different uniforms on from the Army to show the indigenous populace that he came in peace and wanted cooperation and wasn't the big Army abusers of the previous year. After the bw guys were ambushed he didn't want to go in and essentially wipe out the city. He wanted to track down the bad guys and then take them out pure and simple. There were so many higher up orders but it seems obvious that it came from Washington. Then he gets his guys ready and requested more support even though he didn't want to go in that way to begin with, he even requested to see the order in writing. Then he gets blown off with that request as well that should say it all right there. At least give the real leaders what they need when they ask for it, don't you think people like this are one of the chosen few that really know? That is civilian leadership Iraqi quagmire 101. Then there was Gen Sanchez a indigent immigrant from Mexico running the biggest show on earth on the Army side wtf was that about? Here was a guy that was a "in the rear with the gear" type General that should have stayed that way, who made that call? What do you think Patton and Macarthur would say about having Gen Sanchez running the greatest and biggest American war machine on earth in what should have been a War for the ages? Sanchez was in way over his head and all of the real leaders knew this. Macarthur would be rolling over in his grave because old soldiers never die they just fade away.

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