Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Infowarriors And Fox News

http://www.infowars.com/buffoon-john-mccain-brands-trump-a-dictator/ That's right I am an infowarrior because AJ has worked many years trying to expose corruption. I heard McCain state the other day that Pres Trump was a direct threat to the NWO and that is how dictators get started. Our President is going to bring peace and stability to the streets of this country. His critics state that he is a hawk that is just out to start wars but that isn't really true. Peace with strength is the name of the game. You train during times of peace and during times of war but you should always be in battle rhythm mode. Sweat more in training and bleed less in war. I just don't like negative comments from the left because they are jealous that their NWO establishment empire is going to eventually crumble down. I am no longer a critic of his executive order travel ban although they revised it because he is going to eliminate ISIS. Within a few months ISIS and Islamic Jihad should cease to exist. The problem is that the dinosaur media brings in all of these obsolete talking heads to get their opinion like John McCain. CNN doesn't like Trump because they are the most fraudulent of all. Lets see their coverage of the Sandy Hook Scam was the most pathetic of all time. Gene Rosen these people should find another profession because acting definitely isn't their forte. I respect Fox news and not because I am a conservative. I think its relatively fair and balanced Oreilly isn't horrible and I like the legal minds that he has brought in over the years to offer their point of view. Megan Kelly used to be a prosecutor, Judge Jeanne, Liz Weill smart whipper snappers with strong opinions. I respect Anne Coutler she is very smart and definitely has a mind of her own. I admire these women because it appears that they just don't just read from a teleprompter. Our President stated that Nato countries should pay us if they need our help. Lets see what we have had in the past. 20 trillion in national debt for Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya that did absolutely nothing for our economy to help the working folks. We lost soldiers accomplished nothing but chaos and destabilization and just went into more debt. Do you really think somebody like Hillary would be able to handle this mess that our President has inherited lets be honest? Lets take a look at the scorecard in a year or two because great things are going to get accomplished.

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