Monday, February 27, 2017

APA Lawsuits

Dr P  states that their should be lawsuits against the left and the APA types who are slandering  our Potus and making jokes that he is mentally unfit and that he is a Russian spy etc.. I believe that Dr P knows this as a psychiatrist from many institutions of higher learning. These people are petty malignant narcissists themselves, that is why they are making up stories and placing our Presidents words and body language way out of context. That is propaganda 101 but it isn't working. The APA is a crackpot organization that just makes up names of disorders and pulls them out of their bag of tricks. Its all a scam to prescribe their latest antidepressant of the day. How can people be diagnosed with Bi Polar with no real history of manic depression or hypomania and without the doctor having an extensive and detailed bio pycho social of their client? Many of these shrinks are quack jobs who are all in bed with big pharma, that is why they all need to go down in a ball of flames. I just saw another commercial for a new med for bi-polar. These people use the same ingredients for a med and just relabel it with another name and people will never know the difference because many appear to be just a placebo anyway. 

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