Thursday, February 2, 2017

President Trump- The Greatest Show On Earth

President Trump is the greatest show on earth. Infact I just read the book about him with that exact name. I also read the new one that he wrote about making America Great Again. I also heard on AJ that he wrote a book pre 9-11 and that he knew that Bin Laden was a bad guy before everybody else did. I was never interested in reading any books about Obummer. Seriously do you think I would be getting the straight story anyway with his book? Dinesh Dousaza had some movies that seemed to be right on the money. I am done with these watered down ghost writers and all of these so called great leaders. Oreilly and his ghost writers with interpretations of history which are more then questionable. I was never really interested in reading any books about W although I did enjoy that Oliver Stones movie with that exact name. Maureen Dowd used to have columns called Bush world and I also believe that she wrote a book with that same name as well. I believe that library's are the greatest show on earth as long as people aren't loud and obstreperous. I know that President Trump cares about the common folk and never respected phonies and frauds. Lets just take a look at Obummer, a total cut out for the establishment. He spent his entire life gaining the respect of the Ivy League elites but I am not convinced he really gives two shits about what the establishment did to our  inner cities. The establishment is so arrogant, they create chaos and confusion and extremely difficult economic scenarios and then have the audacity to actually blame us for the problems that they created. What makes this even worse is that they then  come in and try to pose as the savior. Two Faced Janus principle Frauds. I know that President Trump is going to create growth and opportunity. Right now the only jobs out there for myself and fellow addicts are boiler room operations with massive rejection and very low pay. I enjoyed White Collar and how the FBI x-con was able to infiltrate a penny stock classic pump and dump  boiler room and take some bad guys down. These actors were very good especially for tv standards. They played the perfect narcissistic wanna be rich punk scumbag roll. Doesn't it get boring for people that are really like this in the real world? They are so transparent, they just sit around and talk about how rich and cool they think they are, totally pathetic. I love American Greed Scams Scoundrels on CNBC as well. The only problem is that they focus on the little league scams and not the big league operations. I did learn from this program however that victims of financial fraud get very little if any payback once they are robbed in many times for their entire life savings. In other words what difference does it make if the scumbag gets convicted and gets sent away to club Fed? If the victims don't get their money back plus interest what difference does this really make? Most of these victims are not the vindictive type anyway, they just wish they haven't been robbed in the first place. We need more boots on the ground for financial fraud and victims and their families need to get all of their money back plus interest.

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