Thursday, February 23, 2017

Addiction Crisis

Michael Douglas played a drug zhar in Traffic, his daughter in the movie was a victim of the disease of addiction. That is why it is a good idea that getting families involved Amid Tears resolve to fight the heroin crisis is definitely a step in the right direction. It appears that state attorney Dave Aronberg is very active in trying to do everything that  he can. Task Force, families are talking about potential class action lawsuits. The first step is to clean up the so called recovery world and that is exactly what he is trying to do. When you have a drug den calling itself a sober home then one knows that big changes must be made. Ken Chatman where 90% of the people were using drugs according to the therapist. We are looking at a 90% recidivism rate under the best of circumstances so when people are exposed to that active drug den environment they don't really have a chance. The options are jails, institutions being homeless or death unless somebody gets sober. Its a run away freight train coming at us at well over 100 mph. The name of the game is a spiritual solution one day at a time and long term recovery that way one will never have to go back to in patient treatment again. It is obvious that many of these places encourage the continuous drug use because that is where the big money is made. Like the roach motel you check in but never check out. One just bounces around from one place to the next staying dry until they use again and then they get caught right back up in the system. Relapses aren't really relapses until one gets sober and actually goes through the steps. Active and intermittent drug and alcohol use in between stints of jails, rehabs, sober homes and detoxes are just short reprieves of abstinence of  somebody like me that is caught up in this deadly disease of addiction. That is why interventions and rehabs are very important as long as they don't try to shove drugs down your throat and as long as a sober environment and aftercare are put in place before one leaves. If there is a 90% recidivism not relapse rate then this means every measure must be taken to give the client the best possible chance for success. Surrender to Win, I don't think congregating with addicts in early abstinence is such a great idea because one person can end up taking a bunch of people down with them. I believe that a 72 hour moratorium with a relapse prevention program already in place makes a lot of sense meaning detox or a safe place as long as the client is ready to surrender to win. I believe coming back to the same environment makes a lot of sense not another sober house or rehab after one uses because we need peace and stability not chaos and destabilization. Continuous revolving door semi institutionalized environments are not healthy for anybody lets be honest. Addicts are sensitive people who need a nurturing and stable environment not get the f out if you use I don't care where you go as long as its not here because this really isn't tough love after all and that is when addicts end up dead.     

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