Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Investigation 101 I wanted to thank Media Matters for making it easier to legitimize the claims of so called fringe right wing conspiracy theories. Every one of these claims that Media Matters has posted in an attempt to demonize AJ and Infowars should backfire if anybody has 1/4 of critical thinking capability. Every one of these links corroborates that AJ is legitimate with his claims. Whether its interviewing family members of Extortion 17 and everything else that  he has accomplished to shoot down and question official narratives. And soon Jerome Corsi will have access to press briefings at the White House so maybe this big house of cards will come crumbling down after all. I am not an extremist right wing fringe individual to say the least. I am an Independent and a Libertarian. I probably have more liberal views then I do conservative. I just admire and respect real investigative journalism regardless of what side of the political spectrum. I also believe that main stream medias critique of Infowars is not accurate either. AJ is a libertarian and doesn't like to be boxed into a corner and doesn't want to be a slave to the string pullers better known as the Illuminati Globalists. He is not politically correct so this just discredits these media outlets that  try to label his news as fringe extreme right wing conspiracy theory. The fact that our Potus admires and respects AJ just elevates our countries position as one that finally has some hope after all. If I did one 1/100 of what these people routinely pull on a regular basis I would be doing multiple life sentences. So how are they allowed to get away this? Sandy Hook using CNN as a maphia cover making believe that little children were murdered these people are beyond despicable. Maybe Oreilly is correct Obama was soft on terror because he really is a Muslim. Let me put it this way who is responsible for Extortion 17? Horrific ROES that I know the operators in the field can verify as well. Our former Potus is responsible for Extortion 17 going down so I am not buying into that Illuminati string puller coercion scam. It ends with our President and questions need to be answered with how and why Extortion 17 mysteriously went down 3 months after the alleged Bin Laden raid. If you are going to be our President then take some responsibility for our warriors out in the field something that The Bush Chain Gang was incapable of doing. So I want to know why Wolfgang Halbig is still getting jerked around by legitimate FOIA requests? Now brain washed individuals can check out all of Infowars claims in one link, the one on top of this page in stead of searching the web for answers to questions, this is called- Investigation 101

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