Monday, February 13, 2017

Nothing Is Real- Everything Is A Hoax I started reading Fiasco again, probably the best war book I ever read. Tom Ricks is very talented, the sources and direct access to ground floor action during the Iraq war he had was  unprecedented. It is mind boggling how courageous our warriors are compared to the civilian leadership that was pulling all of the strings. That is why I don't blame any of the Army soldiers for any of the abuses of the Iraqis. How were they supposed to react to something that they were never officially trained for? The military has an old adage "adapt and improvise" but that doesn't work in this particular situation. The Army wasn't really even expecting that many enemy pows or suspected terrorists or insurgents. I am still convinced that the Bush Administration knew what would happen but kept it on the down low. Seriously how is somebody like Bremer going to go into Iraq and essentially guarantee the insurgency by firing the entire Iraqi Army? Then he wrote articles in the Washington Post about how to save Iraq. I believe the Bush gangs inner circle knew that ieds or roadside bombs would become the weapon of choice. How could they not because they all had direct cia access with seasoned Vietnam war vets that were all highly skilled in the art of count insurgency doctrine. This is a criminal act because now many soldiers are ruined for life because of these civilian politicians who I believe knew in advance how FUBAR  it would get. Seriously it was like a keystone cop operation with lol acronyms. I believe that the entire upper echelon of the Bush Chain gang knew exactly what would transpire because its all about chaos and destabilization. Somebody has to take the blame then who is going to man up and take it? If it wasn't bad enough that they made up bull shit about WMDs and had Col Powell sell out to the higher ups then they sent in conventional Army Units to a war that should have been one for the ages. This war should have been a real shock and awe campaign and invasion, they could have taken over the entire country in a matter of months with very few casualties. That would have set up a Middle East American stabilization presence with many real friends and few real enemies. I am not being a Monday morning quarterback because all of the professionals warned these people what they were getting into ie- A guaranteed hornets nest but they just blew them off in spades. Basically this means that they would rather have chaos and destabilization instead of stabilization. Turns out that is exactly how many of these people are in real life that is very telling. (Chaos and staged drama). I am indignant because this just shows exactly what our country is all about-( lies, bs and cowardice smoke and mirrors back stabbing Free Mason hoaxes where everything is a joke). Our press is a joke and so are our so called leaders. Now Tom Ricks talks about the war on drugs and terror. Our military troops with cia cover are protecting and bringing in all of the dope so the war on drugs is a total scam. A lot of people are dying as well just about as many in Palm Beach County in 2016 (500) as who died in Iraq during the first few months of the invasion. The only problem is that there was no real war on terror because Iraq never had WMDS or ties to 9-11 and no direct links to al-Qaida that is of course until we invaded. We initiated the Jihadi war all over the flat earth against the West  but we were sloppy rank armatures. The problem is that if 9-11 were real and not a Free Mason cia hoax planned years in advance then we would have wiped out the entire Middle East in record time. That is because real leaders would have taken  over and launched real shock and awe the right way the only way to launch a war if we were really blindsided. Counter insurgence seal off the borders USMC SOF civilian contractor operators and soldiers of the apocalypse- none of this big Army abuse off innocent civilians ie- key stone cop operation. That basically means that nothing is real and I don't have much hope that things will really change in the future. Tom Ricks one of the best war correspondent and authors of all time cant even talk about the phony hoax Free Mason war on drugs and terror, that should say it all. I am not a petty narcissist know it all that does nothing but criticize. I just know that I would have listened to seasoned War Vets like Anthony Zinni over my civilian beer drinking buds. Congress was embarrassed because they didn't have any seasoned war vets so they didn't even know what questions to ask. They were embarrassed to ask what questions to ask that should tell you how fubar our country is. After Vietnam how did our  real leaders ever let this happen? People like our civilian politicians, ambassadors and dignitaries  need to be totally eliminated from any decision making process because a lot of real soldiers ended up dead and are now completely ruined for life. Free Mason Malignant Narcissists, that is who pulls everybody's strings we are all just the puppets 

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