Friday, February 3, 2017

Task Force 129- Born To Slay Demons Some people were born to slay demons. It looks like the radical left wack jobs tried to take out Roger Stone. These people are off the chart out of their minds. The George Soros types who pay people to start chaos at institutions of higher learning, ie- UC Berkley. The only problem is that watching Fox News gets somewhat upsetting. That is why I am greatly anticipating the questions that Oreilley is going to ask President Trump. My take on the Iran sanctions is that even if there isn't solid proof that Iran is building major nukes to be launched to destroy either the US or Israel I believe that we have had some of our soldiers/contractors die in Iraq and other hot spots as a direct result of the strings that Iran has pulled either directly or indirectly. For that reason alone I approve of the sanctions. I don't know if Obama was really soft on terror. Just because he didn't mention Islamic Jihad or whatever they were criticizing him for doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't do his job. So with Oreillys talking points that Obama was soft on terror and the new administration isn't that is way too simplistic for me. In other words it goes back to the Talking Heads who control the narrative dumbing us down 2 plus 2 equals 5 Karl Rove the establishment writes the history before it actually happens. They are all history's actors that is for sure. There are two kinds of people out there people that are beyond hope and completely mind controlled by Talking Points and then the actual actors and writers who wrote the script. In other words these are the people who don't believe in conspiracy theories because they are the ones that actually created them to begin with. So they have a huge budget to demonize the so called conspiracy theorists who continually call these people out. Task Force 129 loves to slay demons they know how to chase dragons but actually slaying demons in any form is definitely their calling. Its like in tactical firearms training you shoot the way you fight. There is no way we can have an opposing force with more firepower. Even if we don't have 9 Lives it doesn't matter we will still go down with honor. What's the worst thing that can happen we get taken out? If that happens we wont know about it anyway just like Kevin Dillon aka Bunny stated in Platoon. The establishment is weak, look at that clown they sent  in to fight Wolfgang? That Johnson character what did he have earrings in his nose or tongue? Pathetic this is what our world has come to. Weakness and establishment types who try to write the script of history before it actually happens. They have DHS companies like Obsedian Analysis write script's for them trying to pass off tactical training drills as real live shootings. If I didn't know that this was true I could swear that I was dreaming that is how f ed up our country has become. The people who write the script's don't know the difference between fantasy and reality. Actually they do but they just get off and enjoy f ing with our heads, it is their form of entertainment Free Mason cia all the way  

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