Friday, February 17, 2017

American Intel WTF are You Really Doing Where are all of the bull shitters in the intel community? They are making a big deal about Trump not protecting American interests- how come they arent covering this story or doing their best to get this story into the main stream news so people can eventually go to jail where they belong- poisoning our children and giving them Autism and the only thing the left can do is make up stories that President Trump isnt out to protect and serve- It look like AJ is the only Patriot in the intel community wtf is everybody else doing figuring out what the next false flag is going to be and covering for our former Potus and all of his pro big Pharma phony false flag tears- I want to be able to prove malicious intent with these vaccines because they should be abolished- I talked to my chiro you scumbags responsible for this will burn in hell sometime in the near future and dont worry you wont be able to take us out either  because we will have much better security details then you

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