Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Warrior Code

I don't believe that the Titanic went down by hitting an iceberg. How could an unsinkable ship go down like that? I also don't believe that Michael Skakel was responsible for the death of Martha Moxley. Things change over the years and sometimes people actually get a little smarter. I would have to put myself in that category and basically state that the Sutton Report may have put Michael Skakel near the crime scene but that doesn't mean that he was necessarily responsible for the murder. The reason I state this is because that crime scene showed depraved indifference to human life and I don't believe that  Michael Skakel had this. Not only that there was zero forensic evidence to convict him. There are very few people that demonstrate depraved indifference. I don't care how dysfunctional somebody's upbringing is or was there is an extremely small percentage of humans out there that would be capable of that kind of heinous crime and I don't believe that Michael Skakel fits this profile. On top of that he never should have been sentenced as an adult. Since he allegedly commited this crime as a juvenille the sentence should have been much lighter. In other words he should have been out of prison a long time ago and considering that there is no forensic evidence he should be totally exonerated.. Either way he should be left alone because he already served many years for a crime where there was only circumstantial evidence. That is basically unheard of in the forensic world that we currently live in. I feel bad for Dorthy Moxley because she just wanted to find justice for her daughter and she was repudiated by the country club folks in Belhaven. I don't see why they wouldn't have been supportive. As an investigator and just as a human being the desire should just be to attempt to seek the truth however ugly it may be. I have no idea who may have committed this atrocity however my gut now tells me that it wasn't Michael Skakel. So the $64,000 dollar question is who is capable of demonstrating a depraved indifference to human life? Soldiers in the war zone who are mistreated by superiors that expose them to horrific environments with little or no support. Lt Col Kunk from Blackhearts treated his Army soldiers like garbage. A few of them ended up demonstrating a depraved indifference to human life with heinous war crimes that most people would rather not know about. It all trickles down from the top. Kunk wasn't a real leader he was never even in Ranger school which is usually the hallmark of somebody who leads his men at the front with courage honor and  integrity. This guy was the exact opposite of what  effective leadership is all about. Is there any surprise these young influential soldiers acted out that way? Warriors need positive reinforcement and encouragement, they  don't  need to be humiliated and belittled during a time when they are already on fragile ground from a psychological standpoint. In many cases this becomes the only difference to why a warrior feels like they should get up in the morning. Real Leaders are out there unfortunately they are too many Lt Kunks. Zero people skills and total inability to relate to his warriors on a visceral level. War is spiritual that is why one needs to become one of them why do you think rank doesn't matter in SOF units? Butter Bar Army officers and green pea second liet in the USMC never get as much respect as the NCOs who have been not only learning  but  actually living the warrior ethos for many years before. Col Mcknight Blackhawk Down is a perfect example of great leadership. He was in his 40s, he wasn't in the rear with the gear barking out orders with little or no empathy. He was standing  and fighting  right  next to his Delta and Ranger operators demonstrating  his love and respect. Nate Fick One Bullet Away is another example of great leadership. Ivy League Dartmouth educated Recon and Officer in the Corps. Spiritual, effective and compassionate,  Fick is the best of the best. He was showing  disgust  and contempt when some other soldiers not from his unit were laughing and taking pics of dead  bad  guys after they lit them  up when  they came over from Syria. He wasn't in the war zone for pics and giggles when his  warriors  took out bad guys because that only shows mental problems and immaturity. His warriors were the purest of the pure-Recon Marines through and through

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