Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Greed Avarice And Dark Forces

I don't like mind control weirdo's and freaks who get off on deceiving others with their malignant narcissism. I don't want to live in a country where they poison our children with forced inoculations and then basically laugh about it. I don't want to live in a country where it is supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave but then they stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were murdered. These people have threatened the only real investigator of this fraudulent school shooting by stating that his grandkids would be harmed if he didn't take his website Sandyhook Justice Report down. I read the e-mail that was sent to him, the basic message was that Wolfgang was a f ing monster, their were indirect threats made toward his grandchildren and that he was a Sandy Hook dad that  really lost a child in Dec 2012. I am grateful that we now have a President who cares about We The People. He rocked the house in Melbourne Fla on Sat, I felt after watching this that maybe there is some hope after all. The biggest difference between President Trump and his predecessors is that I actually believe in what he says. I believed in W at first what a mistake that turned out to be. I know that there are so many quiet and humble warriors within the intel community and they deserve much gratitude  and appreciation. The great things they do way under the radar we will never even know about so we should admire that with much appreciation and respect. The one thing I have noticed however is that many of our threats  appear to be completely fraudulent.  I am talking about every single mass shooting does not appear to be real including the terror attack on 9-11. The media is totally in on this scam and this is quite disturbing to say the least. Apparently our Potus has close links with Israel but is that really such a bad thing? I believe that great minds will create jobs because this economy is great for the rich but it really sucks for me. The Dow may be up at 20k but the real unemployment numbers far surpass what the dishonest media claim they are. If Gunny Sergeants and NCOs are the heart and soul of the infantry then the middle class is the heart and soul of this country and they have been completely screwed over big time by these Globalists. Our Potus knows this and he is going to make us proud to be Americans once again,  because he is down to earth and totally humble. He is one of us, their is no disconnect there, he just wants to protect and serve. The problem with the greed mongers is that not only are they selfish and dishonest they are not even nice people. Acquiring more wealth will never make them happy because they were never happy to begin with nor grateful and humble for what they had. This means that getting more will only exacerbate their sickness. The working class of this country have no retirement, 401k or stability. People hire you under the condition that they know that they can treat you like shit and pay you horrible wages, work you like a slave and absolutely guarantee that you will never have insurance benefits. Our Potus knows this and that is why he shot down the bogus TPP agreement. The Globalists have squeezed out so many good workers, our people don't want more greed and avarice they just want to be able to send their kids to college and retire without having a heart attack first. These are the people that make up the heart and soul of our country, that is why they love our Commander in Chief. The car salesman that he brought up on stage on Sat., there are many more people standing right behind him. I don't think he will guarantee us anything just an opportunity. I was a 16 year old alcoholic in rehab who sent a letter to my football coach basically telling him that it would be an honor to try out for the team. He wrote me back and stated no guarantees just an opportunity. Football is a lot like war it doesn't build character it just reveals it. We need all rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse to rally around Wolfgang Halbig and try to help to keep his family safe. We are dealing with some very dark and satanic forces, that is why it was a blessing to watch our First Lady say the Lords prayer on Sat before our Presidents speech      

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