Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Fake Fraud TV Ads

http://www.infowars.com/rfk-jr-trump-says-he-will-not-back-down-from-pharma-on-vaccine-safety/ You cant back down to the Military Medical Petro Pharma Banking Cartel. I don't care how much money they make but not when it hurts people. This kind of information should get people more then a little pissed off. What can be worse then putting Mercury in vaccines, people are actually ok with this? What about all of the people that got sick from the flu shot including my mother? It is a racketeering operation, these people are sick and twisted. Depleted Uranium for our soldiers the list goes on. Those new anti Trump commercials are pathetic to say the least. McCarthyism at its worst- fear mongering making our Potus out to be working secret deals with the Russians. I like Reince Priebus the White House Chief Of Staff, he seems like a straight shooter. These commercials are so off the chart bad, they are exactly like what the pro Hillary campaign used before she lost the election. You can tell that the money used to pay and play these sophomoric ads is used with pernicious usury. How much more phony and fake can these people get? It cost a lot of money to run ads on commercials, what a waste of dirty money that the left apparently has an over abundance of. I am reading a book about Dogs and how and if they think. The George Soros Obummer Hillary types should realize  that nobody pays attention to those dumb commercials especially my dog. Unlike people dogs don't tune in to the flickers on the screen, they tune out because that is what we are supposed to do. This proves that dogs are actually smarter then some people. K-9s need an olfactory sense, the tv doesn't produce  that for them, that is why they aren't caught gazing in front of mindless and bogus commercials for hours on end that the left puts out about our Potus having  subversive alliances with Russia 

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