Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Arnold Is Pathetic

http://www.infowars.com/schwarzenegger-wanted-to-smash-trumps-face-over-ratings-diss/ The Arnold is a clown. Why would he make that comment just because he is not even close in the ratings polls. This guy has all the hallmarks of a dictator wanna be, huge ego and AJ pointed out comments that he made to corroborate this. He was never a good actor just an action hero with movies filled with nothing but mindless and gratuitous violence. Its just that when you go out on the stage you don't pull a cheap trick to con your competitor and have him walk off while you stay on to steal the show. Narcissistic egomaniac with an inferiority complex. And from what I understand he routinely insulted women and sexually harassed them inappropriate totally pathetic and classless especially for somebody that ran as a governor. Comparing somebody like The Arnold and Jesse V is like night and day. Jesse V is a total stand up guy, he loves his country, very intelligent and he would never say or do what The Arnold has done on a routine basis. Jesse V speaks the truth, he talks about 9-11 being an inside job wtf has The Arnold ever done? He is just a celebrity wanna be who is pissed off because nobody wants to watch his show now that President Trump is no longer the protagonist. Now we have MSNBC journalists making comments that our Potus may target journalists. I cant wait until these 6 cartel talking head news outlets go down in a ball of flames with major lawsuits to boot. Controlling all of the information that we see and hear is a total mobster tactic. Sometime in the not too distant future the alternative media will be allowed in to ask real questions. I cant wait to see these mendacious individuals get called out. Why does Hollywood apparently not like our Potus? Robert Deniro made a comment that wasn't that nice. OK so if The Arnold was upset that President Trump insulted him initially I understand but it wasn't meant as a cheap shot. For example Robert  Deniro was promoting the film Vaxxed, his son has autism. Our Potus has challenged Big Pharma for starters so now the war is on. Why wouldn't somebody like Robert Deniro not want a president with the guts and character to go after real criminal operations especially when his son has autism? I am talking about real diabolical beyond most peoples imagination type criminal cartels. I cant think of anybody else that I would want on my side in a real dog fight going up against A Major Medical Petro Pharma Banking Cartel.  

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