Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Task Force 129 Targets- (Drug Cocktail Scam)

http://www.cchr.org/take-action/get-involved.html I like this site, it goes into detail about the abuses in the psychiatry field. It apparently has links to Scientology in some distant way. Lets face it David Miscaviage is a Napoleonic Complex bully, cult leader, Church Of Satan the whole 9 yards. I believe that what the celebrities stated about their experience with that cult is true. Does that mean that this website cchr.org is bad news as well? I don't think so because they have a lot of great information on it in reference to the psychiatry scam better known as quack or junk science. It appears that Tom Cruise was onto something when he had a public debate with Brooke Shields. Meds help some people but this Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Big Pharma scam is off the chart. First of all this alleged chemical imbalance mental disorder without real proof is a perfect example. Their spect scan has not been proven to be legit from what I gather. The big problem is that meds are in my opinion one of the biggest reasons why their is such a high recidivism rate. If you go to rehab for drug addiction and they continue to prescribe you drug cocktails then this is criminal. Very few people that have long term sobriety take anti depressants, that should mean something. If you are ruining peoples chances of getting sober by over the top prescriptions of psychotropic drugs then people should be held accountable. This money maker is way out of hand, this issue is as big as body snatching and insurance fraud within the Treatment Center Industry. There is no difference between drug addiction and alcoholism, we have a physical allergy and a soul sickness not a brain disease or a chemical imbalance. Depression, anxiety and hypomania are symptoms and Kelly Brogan MD has already blown the whistle on this. So where is the Task Force to expose these people? How come more people aren't indignant? People can call me a vigilante, that is good because I love going after bad guys. We can read all about the scumbags like Kenny Chatman but how often do we read about this issue in the newspapers? Since I have been writing about this and complaining for a while now and still haven't received any support or encouragement from anybody then it looks like I am the self appointed leader. Who wants to be part of the team Task Force 129? Call me up, my number is on the home page. I was raised to be a leader and not a follower and I loath doctors that don't do any real therapy and just prescribe drug cocktails. There is something called the Hippocratic Oath and if you don't honor this then at the very least you will be exposed. The Big Pharma Vaccine agenda, Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center drug cocktail scam, the list is getting quite large but that is ok because we have time on our side. We have a physical allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. That means that we need to fill up our spiritual cup on a daily basis and start to believe in a power greater then ourselves. It doesn't mean that we need pychotropics due to a chemical imbalance of depression or manic depression. Just out of curiosity how many doctors tell the patient that they really need to get off that shit permo meaning the meds when they write prescriptions because inquiring people want to know?      

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