Saturday, April 1, 2017

No Easy Day

In No Easy Day the only easy day was yesterday. The Teams have a saying That it pays to be a winner. I always wanted to be a winner, however I ended up being a Walter Mitty type instead that just read a lot of books on spooks and war over the years. This was what helped me deal with the harsh realities of the so called real world. My dad never stopped reminding me how brutal and cruel the world really is. The only problem is that I don't buy into the No Easy Day account of the Bin Laden raid. One of the few people that I really believe is Dr P and he basically stated that the entire Bin Laden scenario has been an egregious fraud. My over all analysis is that there are many facets of our military industrial complex that are controlled by the David Rockefeller types. Ding dong the witch is dead at 101 years old. Basically these people have more money then they can possibly spend in one lifetime so instead of being a real philanthropist they use it to deceive and hire crisis actors. They use it to control world markets as well as the worlds population. I get the feeling that this No Easy Day operator may be just another actor. He may be a real Seal but AJ has a different account of what really went down with the Bin Laden raid. That is why Booze Allen Hamilton does next to nothing as far as protecting our National Security. Its all about creating Hollywood actor scenarios where they can also make a bundle of money on Wall Street. Lets take a look at The (National Geospatial Intel Agency or NGA) If the world really isn't round then what are they really doing with all of their blue marble bull shit? It appears that their are helium balloon type flying airships that are more then likely doing what they claim satellites are doing. They also have drones so I am sure they are using those as well for pics. cgi satellites blue marble trips to Mars and the moon the entire thing is a hoax and the joke is on us. The problem is that a lot of people have died because of these as holes. I was watching Shadow Company last night about the so called mercenaries that have helped us out in this GWOT- The bw guys getting ambushed, their bodies desecrated all so the fat cat war mongers can create more phony Bin Laden stories. The Extortion 17 mission doesn't add up either, why was Seal Team 6 flying in a dilapidated piece of garbage for a mission seriously? Basically these people get off on deception, cover and subterfuge. They will never have a shortage of crisis actors to pay because their wallets are nice and fat. So these war monger fat cats don't do a dam thing except lie, cheat and steal, make up bs stories, manipulate our emotions and they get off on it. They fake deaths and use body doubles, anything to confuse and then we are supposed to be upset about spy's that leak Treasure Troves like Vault 7? That is why Booze Allen talks about state actors in their intelligence briefings. They are telling us everything that we need to know, that everybody is a  f ing actor. There are conspiracies behind actual conspiracies, the rabbit hole with these people is multi layered and goes quite deep. Its all entertainment anyway for them but I am getting tired of their lies and bs. JFK, 9-11, Sandy Hook, Extortion 17, Phony Bin Laden raids, the list goes on. I cheated in school at times, I even cheated on my wife, if somebody claims to be holier then thou this is usually the first tell tale sign that they are totally full of shit. I would never want to be a spy that did nothing but lie to the American people however because  a lot of great people have already lost their life. I have loved my country more then I ever loved my wife. That is the difference, I have lied cheat and stole in my life but it never led to the death of innocent American hero's. So for that reason as well as many others they have blood on their hands. I hope that they cant sleep at night.

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