Thursday, April 27, 2017

AJ Needs Airtime On Fox News Or CNN Again Great point AJ- Our new cia director is calling Assange a wizard and a coward hiding behind the curtain that needs to be extradited and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Our Potus was all about Wikileaks to get elected. Oliver Stone- JFK movie- Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison- white is black black is white. These career entertainers/business moguls that claim that they aren't politicians not so much. People are political animals especially power hungry individuals who can never admit when they are wrong. Sometimes people will do or say anything as long as  they have their eye on the prize. The most powerful man in the world our Potus is no different then the rest of them- But is he betraying America? I don't think so but time will tell. He promised Jones that he thinks that he is going to be impressed if he gets elected. I like our Potus better then Obama. I watch Fox news and see Ollie North talking about N Korea are you serious? They need to start giving Jones some prime time coverage- Hopefully Tucker Carlson will make this happen- I am tired of the same old propaganda war drum beats from these dinosaurs in msm that never seem go away. AJ has been in the trenches standing up for America for years- He went all out to help get Trump elected- That's a man of conviction and integrity- That is why there is hope for this country after all- Also many people have been trying to kick AJ when he is down with this custody battle. I had my doubts at times in reference to his rants over the years but overall he is legit- How can anybody realistically claim that he is Controlled opposition- He stated that 9-11 was an inside job as well as Sandy Hook and many other conspiracies so what else was he supposed to do? I don't think that he is an actor- Everybody has a certain persona on screen but I would venture to state that he isn't that much different off camera. Consistency and across the board Patriotism so why does everybody give him so much grief? I don't know 100% but the Jesuit Black Pope may be pulling all of the strings anyway not the Jews so leave AJ alone- Maybe the Pope/Vatican wants America to be great again as well just like our Potus  

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