Friday, April 21, 2017

Who Really Is The Deep State?

I am not on the left or the right, nobody will be able to back me into a corner with any political ideology. I am hey diddle diddle straight up the middle. I am not into campaign contributions, kissing ass, greasy palm hand shakes, back slapping or influence peddling. Con Artists, liars and distortion campaigns don't work for me as well. My zest for life or any enthusiasm for our current geo-political scenario has me completely off the Trump cool aide band wagon. I am not into false flags or phony wars or any more bs that Iran, Russia, China, N. Korea, Syria and China are supposed to be the bad guys. I don't even want to read or check out AJs site anymore either because he still puts our Potus on a pedestal. Somebody that swears an oath to the US constitution is not supposed to make up lies in order to get us involved in world wide wars. Instead of going to war with the Army or equipment that you have you are supposed to make decisions about war with the intel that you have. The intel is not supposed to be bogus and it needs to be the straight story whether its in we the peoples best interest or not. As long as its the real intel then it is in our best interest. I don't want to stand behind MOAB bombs that make a lot of noise that more then likely kill innocent civilians. Infact if we had the right people in charge cia wouldn't be bringing in all of that dope. VT was right about our current scenario all along and I was wrong. I am tired of these liars and neo cons like Sean Hannity who do nothing but drink the cool aide and pump up our Potus's ego more then it already is. Stop flexing your muscles with your war like bs with made up intel because VT is convinced that Syria was a False Flag- You aren't supposed to do that, AJ taught me the tricks of the trade as far as the way our wars have been waged so how can he realistically still stand behind our Potus? AJ had an article that stated that our Potus was an International Law Breaker in reference to the Tomahawk cruise missile strike on Syria. Even conservative Anne Coutler wrote a great article expressing her indignation. Stop the bs because we already are 20 plus trillion dollars in debt and we don't need to initiate a false flag to still be the number one super power. Showing restraint is what strength is all about. America should show restraint and dignity because that is the firmest and finest demonstration of strength that their is. The Chain Gang did a lot of horrible things with their 9-11 and bogus WMD intel and I now see us going down that same path and maybe even worse. Abby Martin had a video that outed Steve Bannon, that guy is a war junky. He is into Darth Vader- Cheney and is Islama phobic. Seriously why do we always have the most dangerous people that usually end up trying to blow up the planet if it were up to them in charge and pulling all of the strings? ISIS- Israel Secret Intelligence Service- I am tired of your bull shit America. Break free from Israel's warlike stranglehold and stop waging wars with bogus intel and false flags. Stop demonizing Muslims and making believe that you aren't Xenophobic. Get the hell out of this country if you want to act like Hitler because that is never going to fly in our land of the free and home of the brave. Get rid of these cool aide drinking talking heads like Hannity and Mike Huckabee because he is another ass kissing back slapper enabler of our current war like scenario. I am not really sure who  the deep state really is but I have a feeling it may be the AIPAC JINSA crowd that is buds with our Potus. All of our mass shootings total bs frauds. I am tired of these freaks and con artists, they are nothing but terrorists that finally need to be brought to justice.  

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