Saturday, April 8, 2017

Burn Baby Burn

Legend has it that Nostradamus predicted 9-11. I don't really know for sure but maybe he said- "earth shaking flames and in the city of York their will be a great collapse". When the towers went down that was the beginning of the end for me. They say don't take things personally and don't sweat the small stuff, its all small stuff. The only problem is that I took that hit personally and my soul went down in flames just like Burn Baby Burn with  Kenny Boy Lay and Company. I believe that I was born to slay demons and that is why I was slugging down mixed drinks on top of Windows Of The World at my cousins wedding. I was a certified alcoholic at 15 years old that pretty much had alcohol poisoning. So I already almost went down in reference to the Twin Towers. So long story short I made a bad decision to stop going to meetings after 9-11 and one of the reasons that I used was that some people in the rooms weren't talking about how they were affected by that day. I thought that they were being way too self absorbed by talking about themselves instead of wanting to wage war against Islamic Jihad. I certified my own fate by picking up a Vicodin pill off the street at around 21 years abstinent and about 14 years of sobriety. I almost never made it out because that turned into 12 years of hell on earth burn baby burn- jails, institutions, homelessness and everything else in between. I learned the hard way not to take The Secret for granted and that is why today I try to be as humble and grateful as I can. There are too many people dying right now and that is why Dave Aronberg is trying to initiate a public health emergency. There is light at the end of the tunnel but my head has been spinning as of late hearing about how many people this disease has been taking out. I take it personally and this had made me lash out and has initiated my self inflicted button pushing. People that are sober and abstinent that have this deadly affliction have beaten the odds. Its ugly because I tried every trick in the book and not because I ever really enjoyed getting high. Let me tell you something I got sober at 16 years old so Alcoholics Anonymous ruined any chance that I would ever enjoy of getting high again. I never enjoyed it as a kid either, how could I because I just caused pain to myself and loved ones. It sucked big time, I was locked up in The Bahamas for cocaine, sleeping on slabs of concrete with huge cockroaches and Rastafarians. After I relapsed after many years I just rationalized every narcotic pill known  to man in an attempt to try to make me right in the head. The sober living model of recovery is actually a great model that will hopefully be utilized in the near future. Regulating an unregulated industry for the better is what its all about and for this I feel better. I didn't like hearing how addicts would take other addicts out and actually seeing this first hand. In a good sober home the sober people are the majority. So if I had to figure out who Task Force 129 consists of I would break it down into my previous and future 9 Lives- 1- NYPD cop, 2- Seals- 3-Delta 4-Secret Service- 5-FBI- 6-DEA-7-CIA- but not spying on the American people or running drugs for the Company- 8- Force Recon 9- A team combo of Rangers and SF- There could be a few more on the list but you get the idea. Oreilly has theorists and academics on his program but AJ has operators that were hero's in Benghazi that is the difference. We need to be able to hear from the guys on the ground because seriously who really cares what a politician has to say? Operators and soldiers aren't into the political bull shit because its all about the guys standing next to him. Republican- Democrat who really cares , we need to hear from the guys that have definitely been there before. Our Potus knows this and that is why he has so much support from the military community. Syria airstrikes it all makes sense to me, I have full faith in the years ahead. I think we should utilize some of our cia technology to prevent industrial espionage from the Chinese and start to track down cyber fraud conducted overseas in jurisdictions that are tough to track. I am talking about unscrupulous cyber criminals that make the Dark Web look like child's play.   

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