Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Naional Geospatial Intel Agency Fraud

https://www.infowars.com/more-dangerous-than-the-nsa-the-massive-spy-agency-you-havent-heard-of/ Massive waste of tax payers money where they continue to steal under the phony guise of protecting our National Security- These are the clowns that were supposed to have tracked Bin Laden- They have Super Top Secret clearance people working for them and that is how they continue to get away with not doing anything except to perpetuate the Nasa greatness myth with bogus cgi photos of our blue marble planets and satellites. Some of these Nasa followers are worse then the bread and circus fans that drool over their favorite sports team and  athlete- Wesley Snipes and Robert Deniro- The Fan comes to mind.. I don't want to buy into frauds that continue to lie to the American people and get away with it. We have a bunch of spineless bureaucrats that stand behind massive eugenic programs where they just manufactured an opiate crisis that is killing young people all over the place. These criminals initiated it and I am blaming Main Stream Media for starters. Michael Levine was supposed to get a 60 minute segment but was blown off just like Russels Crowes character was in The Insider. These Scientist as holes as well as their psychiatrists that are in bed with  big Pharma know how addictive this heroin is and that is why they are now making a bundle of money off of other peoples pain and suffering. Being a drug addict is torture, it is hell on earth but these despicable degenerates and moral reprobates and all of their cia maphia minions are capitalizing off of  this and then they have the audacity to act like they are doing people a favor by keeping the addict hooked on Suboxone. What these soulless creatures don't understand is that when people lose their friend or brother addict to this addiction this ends up killing even more people. This is because people then go back out to use again because of the emotional trauma associated with losing a friend and or loved one to this deadly disease of addiction. Actually they do understand this and that is why they continue to do it, because it goes along with their Massive Eugenic Agenda. We have a bunch of greedy capitalists who can easily recruit hoars and prostitutes to their line of work by big money incentives. There is a backlash with our millennials however with this Vape Revolution. This is blowback toward big tobacco and all of their addictive chemicals and for all of the people they have killed over the years. Remember when tobacco was labeled and marketed as safe and effective? The only difference between cigarettes and heroin is that heroin is a narcotic otherwise cigarettes are either more or at least equally addictive. There is very little difference between big pharma and big tobacco.  They are in the same league as Nasa and all of their phony cgi spies and lies. A leister Crowleys Occult where everything is a hoax. Unlike some people I don't think The Occult is cool even though Carl Yung was into it. I don't buy into any of the garbage on the front pages of the newspaper either. The latest is some mentally deranged woman was arrested for threatening Lenny Pozner with death threats because she was reading about the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories on the web. The entire thing sounds like a fabrication of reality. This is the medias attempt to associate so called conspiracy theorists with not being mentally squared away. Its a hoax within a hoax. Did anybody notice how the airport shooter is supposed to be mentally unstable  and was refusing his meds? People are either off their meds or on them and that is how and why they end up doing whatever lie the  hoar crisis actor media pays somebody to commit. These cia soulless creatures  have an angle and answer for everything don't they? .

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