Monday, April 17, 2017

For Love Of Country Or Money? Hopefully all subsidiaries of huge military industrial complex companies have been straightened out. I am not trying to be a Monday morning quarterback or a pessimist but rather somebody who can sense things that are morally bankrupt. Betraying Our Troops Part 1- Robert Bauman was a criminal investigator with the DOD and is a CFE- Certified Fraud Examiner- He wrote this book with Dina Rasor- If one doesn't read this book and get upset then you have issues. First of all it has become so obvious to me what a pathetic Satanist cult we have that are running things at the top. We need Rosie The Riveter pride and patriotism instead KBR Halliburton ran cult seminars where they had their new recruits chant "For The money "over and over as far as reasons for why they were deploying to Iraqs war zone. Secondly their was no training for these contractors that they just hired, basically it was anybody just to fill the available slots. Its a disgrace how the Iraq war was planned and managed. These Neo-Cons  knew in the late 90s with the PNAC plan that 9-11 was going down so how is anybody going to tell me that they didn't have adequate time to prepare? Its really bad because not only was their no training for the contractors they started quitting all over the place. This is when Foreign Nationals took their place for combat logistic operation's. So let me get this straight the traditional Army and Marine Corps soldiers deployed to the war zone for love of country but the Chain Gang set up money grubbing cult seminars and chants for the new recruits. Then when these new recruits quit due to lack of training and overall preparation these better paid positions were given to Foreign Nationals? The CPA in the Green Zone lived a palatial existence while the Army soldiers didn't even have enough proper equipment. They had 20 year old Young Republicans in the CPA making decisions with no experience and the only reason that they were hired was because they were young Republicans who's family was buds with the Chain Gang. This was really bad because their appeared to be no unit cohesion and a lot of animosity toward the higher paid contractors. They could have made it work if they had better training. I wouldn't mind driving a truck in a war zone but you have to give your people many months/years of preparation and training. This way the military soldiers wouldn't have viewed the contractors as the occupiers and their would have been better communication across the board. It was set up just like a Mafioso operation. The CPA allegedly had up to 3 billion dollars of cash stored away in the basement that they would hand out to the new players in town like Custer Battles. The problem with the GWOT and the way they had it set up was guaranteed to fail. When I grew up my dad put me through the wringer about waste, he ran top notch businesses and knew how to make things run efficiently just like our war machine is supposed to be. He could see through bull shit and would always have us turn off the lights. Why be wasteful and extravagant because that would only hurt the bottom line and the well oiled machine. Halliburton KBR made more money with the amount of money that was wasted. In other words trucks would be disabled and they would just be left their and replaced with a new one. Contractors would pillage and even loot themselves and it just wouldn't matter. The scam is set up directly opposite of the competitive US market place where the overall objectives and achievement of progress would routinely be investigated with a magnifying glass. This is what produces interdependence and a feeling of accomplishment and working for the greater good and for the betterment of society as a whole. However the KBR money grubbing cult operatives were paid more because your profit is a percentage of what you spend. So the more that you spend and waste the higher your profit and the more money you made. This meant that these contractors were encouraged to burn through the devils green like their was no tomorrow. Welcome to The Chain Gangs War Zone- Hopefully our new Potus has turned things around- Foreign Nationals should not be working for the US Military over seasoned American soldiers or American citizens. I came out of college and I started swinging for the fences. My dad kept telling me that I didn't have enough experience and therefore not that much to offer. So I needed to get some humility and learn how the world really works. He would never have me go into a heady position within the CPA just because I was a Young Republican. That is because our family has been fighting wars since the dawn of time. You have to stand behind your NCOs and gain the experience. It was the Wild West In Iraq so stay tuned for Betraying Our Troops Part 2 

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