Monday, April 3, 2017

AJ is Legit I believe that AJ is legit and I don't like it when he gets hammered by VT and a few others. For starters I highly doubt AJ gets up in the am and swears an oath to Israel like some people seem to suggest. He is Americana through and through and has many solid Patriots in his corner that feel the same way. The other issue is that I believe that all of this so called Zionist bad guy bs is just a red herring and a distraction. I have heard AJ address this issue directly. He has many solid people on his program like the Navy Seal who are doing their best to expose all of the slimy snakes that are allegedly into pedophile rings. I also believe that he is legit because he has exposed the number of pedophiles that have been arrested since our new Potus has taken the oath of office. I no longer think that some people on VT are the real deal. AJ never stood behind any official 9-11 account as if he was the final authority with Q- clearances legit and credible sources the whole 9 yards. He did  however have Dr P on his program and he went into great detail on 9-11 truth, that was quite impressive. AJ  also had Eddie Bravo on his program talking about the FE theory which Eric Dubay breaks down into laymen terms with 200 proofs. I really don't see any weaknesses in AJs game because he is all about exposing corruption and preserving the American Way. New World Agenda has vehemently  criticized  AJ specifically in reference to those blacks ops nukes that were stolen. I am not the final authority by any stretch, I  do the best I can with limited means however  that Black Op stolen nuke story seemed to be legit to me. The reason I state that is because it appears that there was a seismograph reading that went off on the east coast that seemed to be accurate in my humble opinion. It had me thinking that we were all nearly blown off the map, I believe in AJ and Infowars. There is nobody better then Dr P so I really cant see why people seem to say horrible things about Jones. I know that VT isn't selling anything and they are indifferent if people read their articles. Freedom of the press is refreshing, I believe that our Potus is going to go down in history as one of the best Potus ever. I don't believe that we were nuked on 9-11 because I really don't think that the Bush Chain gang would ever kill their own people. I don't want to live in a world where Space X missions are supposed to be cool as well as all of these Hollywood Mars missions with Matt Damon and company. Our Potus has been standing up for America his entire life and I watched his indignation 30 years ago in reference to how Japan was blowing our doors off. If anybody can turn things around it is our current administration so anything else specifically Russian Hackgate and Pissgate etc.. in my opinion is nothing more then sour grapes from the other side. I don't think that Kevin Barret is the real deal. Out of everybody that I read from VT it would be Fetzer and Preston James as far as coming the closest to 9-11 truth. I admire Roger Stone as well, he is very smart and I look up to him as far as his passion to give us the straight story. VT Dems vs AJ Infowars is just another perfect example of divide and conquer tactics and how having two parties is a total waste of time. Nancy Pelosi and all of the Dems kind of make my stomach turn. I never heard AJ criticize anybody from VT so I believe that he knows that sometimes it may be better to take the high road. Our Potus is strong and is going to aggressively put the clamps down on our current addiction epidemic. Nobody else seems to have the courage to tell it the way it is, especially our former Potus. Last but not least AJ incessantly has hammered the vaccine issue, the  big pharma agenda by calling them out for the blood sucking criminals, money grubbers and pariahs that they truly are. I haven't witnessed anybody that has even come close to his passion and rage in the alternative media.This puts AJ over the top and into the fourth dimension of freedom fighters as far as I am concerned. He has been  fearless over the years and he is going all the way with our new Potus. It is an all out freight train going well over 100 mph and I want to jump on.             

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