Monday, April 10, 2017

Alcoholic And Drug Addict Certification

Instead of certifications for drug and alcohol counselors and interventionists there should be a certification school for drug addicts and alcoholics. This is something that will be printed out so you can laminate it and place it on the wall. This way there will be no smoke and mirrors about who and what you are. Drug Addicts cant say well I wasn't an alcoholic so I can throw a few down. Actually you can do what ever the hell you want but the results will more then likely end up in carnage. Once you have the certification certificate plastered on your wall it pretty much means a spiritual way of life or hell on earth so make the choice. I am not like so called normal people because my resentments can kill me where as for most people they just get pissed off. I am trying to learn how to like the Bush family a little more but I cant get the idea out of my head that Jeb Bush may have had Barry Seal killed. How come nobody talks about this on the news? Does this mean that either it really isn't true and it all bull shit with crisis actors or that the Bush family owns the main stream media. So basically I want Derick Jeter to ask Jeb Bush if he killed Barry Seal or if he had him killed. That would be my pre requisite to wanting to go into business as a Fla Marlins owner. If there are reliable sources that claim that you are a drug dealer and a murderer then maybe this would be a warning label  for not going into business with somebody. It shouldn't be that complicated because I was tired of the Bushs and the Clintons way before the election but they keep coming back. Seriously does anybody care what Hillary Clinton has to say about the Syria Cruise missile situation?. I was never a saint but at least I didn't murder people and run drugs and then make believe that I was a role model as a politician or a policy maker. Just Say No, Read My Lips, I Did Not Have Sexual Relations- the list goes on. Maybe the entire thing is bull shit and its being made up by people in the alternative media so that is why I want somebody in the main stream media to ask Jeb Bush if he ran drugs with Ollie North and if the Clintons used Mena Arkansas as a cocaine cowboy pipeline? I am tired of these people because all of this bs about Pablo Escobar etc is child play compared to the amount of drugs that was supposed to have come in by the Clinton And Bush families. So who are the big players today? Who is bringing in all of the heroin that should be the question of the hour? Gordon Duff stated that reliable sources seem to feel that every senior American Officer that served in Afghanistan either has been dirty or is dirty. I don't think that you should be allowed to run drugs if you swore an oath to the United States Constitution. That should be a simple policy so how come everybody else seems to talk about irrelevant things especially the print media?. When is the New York Times going to talk about what happened to Barry Seal or even better ask Jeb Bush directly if he had him killed? 

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